A point for point document to change your status to Freemen of the land

Here is a link to a word doc form of the preceding document that may be used to secure your god given right of Sovereignty as a freemen of the land. It's not a conspiracy theory as this document points out in law established by the constitution that have been undermined forever by the corporate elite.  I we all unite in our intentions of a constitutional right of the people and we all file this to public record then this will become reality for all faster. I do believe in my own heart that times are currently changing and we as individuals are being viewed as sovereign individuals in sovereign states from federal jurisdiction. The states are supposed to be independent from the federal government. I believe this transition is already in progress. This ideal is being restored to the people and state. I do have another document i am editing and will put into comments if this post gets a good response.




That I, YOUR NAME HERE IN CAPS; Secured Party, a self-aware living man created under Almighty God, am the Executor, Grantor, Beneficiary, Sole-Shareholder as well as CEO of the (Legal Person) NAME IN CAPS and do hereby and hereinafter declare the foll0wing statements to be true, correct, and complete, to the best of the knowledge and belief of a Self-Aware living man and Secured Party created under Almighty God.
I, (NAME COMMON SPELLING); Secured Party, a self-aware living man created under Almighty God, on and for the Official Public Record declare and make the Ultimate and Un Rebuttable Declaration that I hereby, and hereinafter, from this day forward Claim any and all interest, securities, Bonds and public and/or private Trust accounts associated with the CERTIFICATE OF LIVE BIRTH and the SOCIAL SECURITY CARD through the SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION of the LEGAL PERSON DOUGLAS EDWARD DAVIS by the way of Fraud, Theft and Deception and Non-Disclosure starting with (Sutter Memorial Hospital, Sacramento, California) as well as Sacramento COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT (BUREAU OF VITAL STASTICS) through the CERTIFICATE OF LIVE BIRTH as well as the SOCIAL SECURITY CARD through the SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION. I believe there is no evidence to the contrary and that none exist.
I, Douglas Edward Davis; Secured Party, a self-aware living man created under Almighty God, on and fore the Official Public Record declare and make the Ultimate and Un Rebuttable Declaration that I hereby, hereinafter, from this day forward and forever Claim any and all interest, securities, Bonds, and public and/or private Trust accounts associated with the CERTIFICATE OF LIVE BIRTH and the SOCIAL SECURITY CARD through the SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION of the LEGAL PERSON (NAME ALL CAPS) by way of Fraud, Theft and Deception and Non-Disclosure, but is to remain open for the sole use of the Executor, Grantor, Director, Beneficiary, Sole-Shareholder and CEO Douglas Edward Davis; Secured Party, a self-aware living man for the benefit of the Legal Person DOUGLAS EDWARD DAVIS; PUBLIC DEBT. I believe that there is no evidence to the contrary and that none exist.
I, (NAME COMMON SPELLING); Secured Party, a self-aware living man created under Almighty God, on and for the Official Public Record declare and make the Ultimate and Un Rebuttable Declaration that I hereby, and hereinafter, from this day forward Claim any and all interest, securities, Bonds and public and/or private Trust accounts associated with the CERTIFICATE OF LIVE BIRTH and the SOCIAL SECURITY CARD through the SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION of the LEGAL PERSON (NAME ALL CAPS) by the way of Fraud, Theft and Deception and Non-Disclosure starting with (Sutter Memorial Hospital, (CITY.STATE)) as well as SACRAMENTO COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT (BUREAU OF VITAL STATISTICS) through the CERTIFICATE OF LIVE BIRTH as well as the SOCIAL SECURITY CARD through the SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION. I believe there is no evidence to the contrary and that none exist.
I, (NAME COMMON SPELLING); Secured Party, a self-aware living man created under Almighty God, on and for the Official Public Record declare and make the Ultimate and Un Rebuttable Declaration that any registration of the flesh and/or body or private Property of the self-aware living man (NAME COMMON SPELLING); is terminated, revoked and null and void from this day forward, hereinafter and forever. I (NAME COMMON SPELLING); am a self-aware living man on the land, and in the flesh and blood under the creator Almighty God. I, (NAME COMMON SPELLING); am not aware not have I been presented with any So-Called Law or admissible proof that another Man/Woman and/or CORPORATION can make the law or rule over a Secured Party, self-aware living man in the flesh and blood created under Almighty God. I, (NAME COMMON SPELLING); Secured Party, a self-aware living man created under Almighty God, on and for the Official Public Record declare and make the Ultimate and Un Rebuttable Declaration that I am a self-aware living man on the land Not Deceased and I am Not a Fictitious Entity, Corporate Entity, governmental Entity or Corporation created by the U.S., U.S. GOVERNMENT, UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, THE STATE OF NEVADA and any and all AGENCIES or POLITICAL SUBDIVISION THEREOF FOREIGN and/or DOMESTIC by way of Fraud, Theft and Deception and Non-Disclosure. I believe that there is no evidence to the contrary and that none exist.

WHEREFORE, I (NAME COMMON SPELLING); Secured Party, a self-aware living man created under Almighty God, without malice, under my own free will act and deed by way of this Peaceful Declaration without Hostility Autographed under penalties of perjury do hereby declare, that any and all alleged contracts, legal documents, or instruments existing or presumed to exist with or in relation to the artificial person represented as ‘(ALL CAPS FIRST, LAST NAME), (ALL CAPS FIRS NAME MIDDLE INITIAL AND LAST NAME); (ALL CAPS FULL NAME)” and any and all variations thereof (i.e. spelled in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS) and with or without wet-ink signature, copies and/or originals refer to an entirely different fiction legal entity, designed under Fraud, Theft and Deception, and without full disclosure by various POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS, Employees and Agencies of the U.S. GOVERNMENT included but not limited to THE STATE OF NEVADA and all variations thereof as separate legal fictions, and are hereby, hereinafter from this day forward canceled, rescinded, null and void from this day forward and hereinafter. I believe there is no evidence to the contrary and that none exist.
This Declaration constitutes notice of my Secured Party Affidavit of Lawful Status as well as Claim of Right as a Freeman on the land under the organic national Constitution of the Republic of the United States of American Un-Incorporated as well as my lawful Freeman Status as a self-aware living man under the goodness of the creator Almighty God. Until and unless this Affidavit is rebutted by counter-affidavit, point-for-point or should any single point of this Affidavit be successfully rebutted, all remaining points not similarly rebutted it stands as truth in commercial law. So, affirmed and humbly declared, before the goodness of the Creator. Without prejudice and all rights reserved. Under UCC 1-308, 3-415. I believe there is no evidence to the contrary and that none exist.


Fact #1 I, (NAME COMMON SPELLING); Secured Party, a self-aware living man created under Almighty God, on and for the Official Public Record declare and make the Ultimate and Un Rebuttable Declaration that I (NAME COMMON SPELLING); Secured Party, a self-aware living man created under Almighty God am NOT, have not nor will I ever be an Employee of the U.S., U.S. GOVERNMENT, UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, THE STATE OF NEVADA and any and all AGENCIES or POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS THEREOF FOREIGN and/or DOMESTIC from this day forward and hereinafter. I believe there is no evidence to the contrary and that none exist.
Fact #2 I, (NAME COMMON SPELLING); Secured Party, a self-aware living man created under Almighty God, on and for the Official Public Record declare and make the Ultimate and Un Rebuttable Declaration that you are on NOTICE that you are no longer allowed to make and presumptions, assume, presume or make any speculations concerning the living, breathing and self-aware man, Douglas Edward Davis; and the LEGAL FICTION, LEGAL NAME or LEGAL PERSON; DOUGLAS EDWARD DAVIS. If the U.S., U.S. GOVERNMENT, UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, THE STATE OF NEVADA and any and all AGENCIES or POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS thereof FOREIGN and/or DOMESTIC intend to make a claim against the living, breathing and self-aware man Douglas Edward Davis; and the LEGAL FICTION, LEGAL NAME or LEGAL PERSON; NAME (ALL CAPS) you are hereby, hereinafter and forever ordered to do so by CERTIFIED or REGISTERED MAIL in writing by way of Sworn Affidavit on and for the Official Public Record signed under penalties of the Law including Perjury. No other forms, documents or Claims will be accepted or acknowledged. I believe there is no evidence to the contrary that none exist.
Fact #3 I, (NAME COMMON SPELLING) Secured Party, a self-aware living man created under Almighty God, DEMAND that if the U.S., U.S. GOVERNMENT, UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, THE STATE OF NEVADA and any and all AGENCIES or POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS thereof FOREIGN and/or DOMESTIC present lawful document Facts, and proof that I (NAME COMMON SPELLING); Secured Party, a self-aware living man created under Almighty God, am an Employee of the U.S., U.S. GOVERNMENT, UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, THE STATE OF NEVADA and any and all AGENCIES or POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS thereof FOREIGN and/or DOMESTIC. Anyone that presumes, assumes or makes any speculations that I am an Employee let them bring forth on and for the Official Public Record lawful documentation and proof for my review within Ten (10) calendar days from the date of receipt of this Affidavit by way of Sworn Affidavit Signed under penalties of the Law including Perjury on and for the Official Public Record that I am an Employee of the U.S., U.S. GOVERNMENT, UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, THE STATE OF NEVADA and any and all AGENCIES or POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS thereof FOREIGN and/or DOMESTIC. I believe there is no evidence to the contrary and that none exist.
Fact #4 I, (NAME COMMON SPELLING); Secured Party, a self-aware living man created under Almighty God, on and for the Official Public Record hereby and hereinafter Declare and make the Ultimate and UN Rebuttable Declaration that I (NAME COMMON SPELLING); Secured Party, a self-aware living man created under Almighty God am not an Employee of the U.S., U.S. GOVERNMENT, UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, THE STATE OF NEVADA and any and all AGENCIES or POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS thereof FOREIGN and/or DOMESTIC and there is proof by way of Payroll check, lawful contract where full disclosure was given and Tax forms to prove that I (NAME COMMON SPELLING); Secured Party, a self-aware living man created under Almighty God, on and for the Official Public Record hereby and hereinafter Declare and make the Ultimate and UN Rebuttable Declaration that I (NAME COMMON SPELLING); Secured Party, a self-aware living man created under Almighty God am an Employee of the U.S., U.S. GOVERNMENT, UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, THE STATE OF NEVADA and any and all AGENCIES or POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS thereof FOREIGN and/or DOMESTIC let the proof and documentation be available within Ten (10) calendar days from the receipt of the Affidavit for my review. All documentation and Proof must be sent in writing by way of Sworn Affidavit Signed under penalties of the Law including Perjury by Registered or Certified Mail and received within Ten (10) calendar days from receipt of this Affidavit no other documentation or presumptions will be Accepted. I believe there is no evidence to the contrary and that none exist.
Fact #5 I, (NAME COMMON SPELLING); Secured Party, a self-aware living man created under Almighty God, on and for the Official Public Record declare that I am not or ever was an Employee of the U.S., U.S. GOVERNMENT, UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, THE STATE OF NEVADA and any and all AGENCIES or POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS THEREOF FOREIGN and/or DOMESTIC and if anyone is making a False claim or Unlawful Presumption, I (NAME COMMON SPELLING); am employed or have been employed by the U.S. GOVERNMENT, THE STATE OF NEVADA and any and all AGENCIES or POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS THEREOF FOREIGN and/or DOMESTIC without lawful proof and documentation you will be sued. I hereby on and for the Public Record Declare that I have not nor have I ever been compensated or paid, for my Alleged services and Employment as an Employee of the U.S., U.S. GOVERNMENT, UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, THE STATE OF NEVADA and any and all AGENCIES or POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS thereof FOREIGN and/or DOMESTIC intend to make a False Claim or Unlawful Presumption that I Douglas Edward Davis; Secured Party, a self-aware living man created under Almighty God, am or have been Employed by the U.S., U.S. GOVERNMENT, UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, THE STATE OF NEVADA and any and all AGENCIES or POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS thereof FOREIGN and/or DOMESTIC it must be done by way of Sworn Affidavit Signed under penalties of the law including perjury on and for the Public Record, and also must include a payment by way of U.S. Dollars or the equivalent in Gold or Silver for Back Pay for the Alleged years of so-called Employment with the U.S., U.S. GOVERNMENT, UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, THE STATE OF NEVADA and any and all POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS thereof FOREIGN and/or DOMESTIC. I believe there is no evidence to the contrary and that none exist.
The Foregoing instrument is being executed under the hand and seal of the self-aware living man and is my Freewill act and deed, so help me God.
X___________________________UCC 1-308, 3-315; without recourse
(NAME COMMON SPELLING); self-aware living man created under God ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


On this _______ day of ____________, 2017 before me, the Notary below, appeared (NAME COMMON SPELLING); to me known to be the living man described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged before me that he executed the same as his freewill act and deed.

Subscribed and affirmed before me, _______________, Notary on the _________ day of ______________, 2017.

Notary Print Name (above) Date

Notary Signature: ________________ Date: _________

                                    Notary Seal

My Commission Expires: _________________

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