Why Spiritual Growth Isn't "Free"

This a post from Life Hacker Jack Coleman. I repost here with his permission. Any comments I have will show up at the bottom of this post.

Check out Jack Coleman's ebook 'Heart Exercise on Amazon.

Is spiritual attainment a free thing? Yes and no.

We like to look at all the great spiritual gurus of humanity as being completely selfless and non-entrepreneurial. They roam the realms to understand life and disseminate their knowledge free of charge. It’s a wonderful thing, because it must not have cost anything for them to acquire such wisdom. Wrong…

Spirituality is what we call the invisible realm of life, but just because we can’t see it, doesn’t mean it didn’t come at a visible price. People tend to look at things that aren’t visibly exchanged (spirituality/emotional energy) as not having a cost because the energy seems “free” to begin with.

“It’s not real life.” Why should we give money to someone to learn and receive from their “free” spirituality?

I can tell you that my spiritual growth comesat a price, especially when trying to develop my spirituality into a sustainable practice. I want the same sort of physical comforts s as most other people, being in human relationships, traveling, diverse foods, technological advancements, and so on. Sure, it may not be at the same level or intensity, but these experiences that are facilitated through 'real' physical things that help me pursue and develop my spirituality.

Water, food, a comfortable living space, heat and a/c, transportation, internet, technology all cost money in order to for my physical existence continue. Though, spirituality and wisdom gained can’t have a price tag, the physical experience through which the lessons are learned have a price tag. Each and every physical experience that provides me with spiritual lessons gratefully learned have all required a payment, simply because our society and culture is built around an energetic called money.

If you push yourself to excel in a particular practice and develop a product or service, then there will be compensation for it. My life hacking practice and insights of the world come at a price for me, so why do people think it should be provided to them for free? The pain I went through to see these things that others don’t see and developing ways to help others see more deeply within their particular lives took a lot time, attention, and energy.

There is a major price to be paid for this kind of personal inner work, but maybe we’re not ready to appreciate this price which is why we aren’t ready to compensate others who have paid a huge price to the extent they have. I clearly understand I haven’t paid a price like others have, though we all have a paid our own unique price to be who we are. Sharing is caring, but why shouldn’t receiving life-sustaining and supportive emotional caring be compensated with the physical price it took to go through those experiences, take the energy to process them at a greater depth, and then deliver it to those who would like to receive them?

No one would argue that traditional psychotherapy ought to be free to the user-client. Psychotherapists pay money to receive a degree, while an energy healer or life coach will pay both money currency and soul currency, and there is no 'degree' -- no piece of paper -- to serve as what greases the wheel of exchanging money.

We pay for everything else (we can usually see), cars, houses, appliances, clothes, music, that we are clear add value to our lives but we won't pay for the spiritual assistance that others share with us? Of course not! Feeling inspired to share the currency of money should be done out of the kindness of your heart. All passionate pursuits should be followed from heart inspiration, but we need the physical means of supporting our inner pursuits, since we still live a physically integrated life.

This, in turn, actually helps spiritual explorers and life hackers gain more wisdom to provide even better insights and wisdom for those looking for assistance, wisdom and clarity! For most of us with spiritual talents bringing our spirituality into the physical world as a practice and a service to others, the concept of donating or charging can be controversial only because it seems too capitalist and Western to “charge money,” so we may say to a client, “If you would like, please donate for the work I've done that has been of benefit to you.”

This isn’t a plea. This isn't guilt tripping about money for services rendered. Just as I would with any business startup, I accept the conditions and terms of making such a career choice. Anyone of us pursuing such a spiritually based coaching career have to let others know what we’re about and how our practice and service might be different from a psychotherapist or psychiatrist but we’re the same as any other entrepreneur or holistic health practitioner who earns a paper degree that comes with the acknowledgement that services rendered are paid for unless otherwise agreed to.

Though, I will say that people are becoming more and more aware of the prices other spiritual explorers had to pay and continue to pay in order to perform at higher levels and provide accelerated evolution to others so they don’t have to pay such steep prices to move through their own spirituality. All in all, we tend to separate spirituality from physicality, which means spirituality doesn’t cost anything physically; I stress that it does have a cost and will continue to have a cost, because money is linked to every physical experience you ever had or have, so why not exchange some sort of monetary compensation for these steep personal price your local life hacker or healer may be paying in an ongoing way?

Spiritual exploration and life hacking might not have been a business in the past, so may seem like a “new industry.” Just think about it. How can spirituality be an industry? But as humanity is developing and evolving, we’re seeing the importance of this new industry as far as the current societal turmoil. The world that we know seems to be globally collapsing . Having a grounded sense of spiritual composure allows progression through these exploding issues so we don’t collapse with it.

Original Post
Jack Coleman, Life Hacker

Thanks, Jack. I'm sure many lightworkers and healers share this perspective.

Anaiis Salles

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