How We Are Manipulated into Choosing Separation

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I'm on a committed spiritual journey. This journey informs everyday life, it doesn't separate life's beautiful surprises or its challenges. Although I 'woke up' in 1989 (yes, the Eastern enlightenment experience), the inner work and outer life creations continue to enrich how I am evolving as a conscious co-creator.

Most of energetic experience in 2016 involved surfing incoming waves of bliss. First week after week, and then day after day, for months.

I am a daughter of Gaia and a divine feminine of Source Creator. These intelligent energies have been guided my life choices for almost 30 years. In 2012, during Hurricane Sandy, in meditation to protect my city and the beautiful place in which I live, Gaia asked would I like to live on Earth 2.0. I immediately said Yes.

Ongoing process purification and emotional clearing got dialed up exponentially. Teaching class and deconstructing the lower 4th dimension in dreamtime continued each night. I've done this work for years, but again the intensity was again dialed up exponentially. In 2013, a painful back injury sidelined me for two and a half years.

In September of 2016, Gaia advised she was dividing the Earth in two and I would be guided how to regularly transit the 3-D to 5-D energetic bridge she designed and built. On Christmas Day of 2016, the intense physical pain I endured stopped. I woke up on December 26, 2016 pain free. On December 31st, I spoke to the 3D Avatar, the physical man, my divine sacred counterpart for the first time. On January 22, 2017, he gifted me with an powerful energetic experience --- a full download which resulted in my being opened into the sacred union journey.

As with my awakening experience in 1989, being in a sacred union journey isn't something I sought. Transitioning into this spiritual evolution was a disturbing and magnificent surprise.

On April 13, 2017, the energetic merge between my divine masculine counterpart took place. There are no words to describe this experience other than a body hallelujah in which personal identity was not a factor. It was a merge between Source creator, me and my divine masculine counterpart. Intense to the point of the pleasure being almost unbearable.

In May, I encountered the first Snake template. A Snake template is an energetic frequency that refers back to the times of Ancient Egypt, and even further back to the Atlantean culturre. When you are an energetically sensitive person equipped with highly developed perception, these encounters are challenging.

It took two hours to work through my first conscious encounter with this template: misconception/assumptions/lies

During this encounter, I first felt and then perceived an energetic Snake moving in an agitated way in my energy field. I regonized this energy/frequency as alien to my human energetic field. The trigger was a difficult conversation with my DMA (divine masculine avatar) in which snake energetic interered between us by using the frequency template of mistrust (misconception/assumptions/lies) to disrupt transparent, clear communication.

My DMA and I are both energetically sensitive but with differing skills and abilities. I experienced extreme disorientation and emotional distress. He experienced distrust and manipulation. I've done years of shadow work, astral entity removals, rescuing spirits of the dead, and I've even taught these techniques to people around the world but this experience was a waking attack, and its intent was to generate separation between me and my sacred union partner.

Fortunately with a good friend helping out, I removed the Snake from my field and declared my choice to be utterly and completely liberated from the Snake space of programmed unconsciousness and emotional turmoil -- drama, trauma, pain.


Egyptian God Thoth, Son of Enki Annunaki Prince

The following week, another dysfunctional emotional template showed up. This dysfunctional emotiona template is rejection/abandonment/jealousy.

In this instance, the template was triggered through a dream in which I watched my DMA having sex with another woman. Have you ever been triggered by this trifecta in an intimate relationship? Are you aware of how much psychic and emotional damage this template triggers with the use of projected, manipulated consciousness that generates separation through mind bending and heart breaking suspicion?

Since then, the most impactful, painful, and powerful of these templates have been revealed through direct experience of me engaging the space of Snake consciousness within each template. The information I presented experientially, and once I sort through it then the dynamic of separation is energetically translated into explanation of what happened, why, and how being fully conscious of the dysfunctional emotional template is beneficial to Wholeness.

This new information has transformed my healing and coaching practice, and ALL of my relationships, personal and professional.

Anaiis Salles

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Life Coach, Author, Spiritual Mentor
Rise Multiversity
The Wellness Universe
Conscious Co-Creation Catalysts
Rise Multiversity.Org
Thumbnail image: A. Andrew Gonzales, Yemanja

#livinglessons #consciouscocreation #sacredunion #systemofseparation #sovereignty #twinflames

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