Old: Time is Money, New: Time is Art

“Time is Money” is a common phrase that has driven the motivations and achievements of an industrial paradigm, now beginning to see the errors of its ways.

If “time is money”, is the ideology that marks our past, have we embraced the alternative, life-affirming “Time is Art” belief of our future? And how does this define our culture and our ability to thrive as a human family?

One way a new paradigm culture can be defined is by the way it views time and creation. Time as expendable resource, as set in motion by the industrial revolution, birthed from the sentiments that time equals money, was the driving force in the processing and exploitation of resources for human consumption.

On the contrary, "time as art" is a force that asks the individual and community to mindfully steward our planet’s gifts, and celebrate the diversity and expression of the human spirit and the human experience.

Perceiving Life as Art facilitates a culture of shared understanding, co-creation, and a feeling that we truly are all connected. The practice of art gives us a transformational medium by which to contemplate and accept the inevitable cycles of the human experience, of joy and grievance that is the beauty, gift, and mythos of an impermanent life of love and loss.

Life-sustaining and life-giving, the SPIRIT that beats the heart of the human is essential and core to community thrivability. As we take a closer look at the word, “heart”, we find the word “art” hiding inside. A spelling fun to use, heart and art feel too good to separate.


What if we begin to tune ourselves to the awareness that art and culture is the palpable essence and felt energy that beats the heart of the world?

Focusing on a culture of artful expression emphasizes and gives life to a creative, unique, and innovative aspect of community that satisfies a deep calling within the fabric of our being to appreciate and experience life as a creative force of good, interconnectedness, and oneness. Art and the celebration of cultural diversity provide the indwelling human a productive method to find meaning and expression in both the complexities and mysteries, and simple commonalities that is life and the human experience.

Imagine a community in which each life is viewed as a masterpiece creation, and art as the expression and gift of a human life.

Inside each of us dwells the essence of creation, and the experience of emotions, desires, and an inclination towards greater purpose and service. Uniquely designed, each being is truly a gift to be experienced and cherished.

A village culture focused on artful expression, both inspires and empowers each member’s special gift and contribution towards the greater prosperity, joy, and health of the community as a living, breathing entity, and thereby gift to the sustainability of a greater planetary whole.

How do we as community choose to honor and nourish the spark of love and creation that lives within each of us? Have we tired of forgetting that life is truly art? Are we happy with the legacy of the lifestyle our children are inheriting, and the culture we live, work in, and create together?

What energizes and beats the heart of a community that we feel inspired to serve, to participate with, and raise our children in?

How do you feel as you drive past yet another chain store corporate conglomerate? Is there something that feels lost or forgotten in a rising culture of text message kids and cookie cutter track homes? Is it art, soul, perhaps culture? Has our community design, technological trends, and architecture neglected to consider the value of personal connection and the vast wisdom and healing contained in honoring nature, and the empowerment and fostering of environments that inspire a creative, artful spirit?

What kind of humanity are we growing when culture is defined by a robotic supply and demand in a television prompted economy? Perhaps one in which our well-being is left in the hands of profit-driven corporations that practice a culture of financial boons over people, and the environment.

In this kind of “time equals money” culture, people are taught to believe that their worth and success is determined by their material possessions, and the promise of them to provide comfort and recreation, even happiness.

Where we sit today as a culture makes sense. Nothing humanity has created has been a mistake. We have discovered and exploited, created, and destroyed, for a desire both strong and fearless born of free will would only naturally desire such acts of fervent servitude and exploration. We desired to grow more food, and scaled our agricultural pursuits to immense proportions, for we could feed the world! We focused heavily on a knowledge-driven culture and assembly line production to find more efficiency, even if this meant we would leave the heart and art behind.

Press “present moment.” All wounds are forgiven. With our current awareness and understanding, where and how are we choosing to focus our time, energy and money? Has the glory and pursuit of arts been overshadowed by an achievement and success-driven culture? And what if art sourced from the heart was actually the greatest gift a community could be in service to?


The Earth Nation http://www.earthnation.world/ and Reinhabiting the Village http://reinhabitingthevillage.com/ are antidotes to such a deleterious fate, by empowering heart-driven lifestyles that produce locally sourced artisan goods that feel better, taste better, are kind to the planet, and serve the wellspring of love within the creator and the consumer, that is ultimately the core of humanity, and the heart of community.

There is no doubt that a new culture of earth stewards and artisans is rising and communing in a shared vision of a peaceful and harmonious planet and her people. You many have felt the stirrings of a new time in your bones or a feeling that a transformational era is birthing.

What if our time and energy was refocused towards empowering impassioned grassroots action that assigns power into the hands of the ordinary human as a creator? What might we begin to dream awaken, be inspired to create, to heal, and architect? Do our hopes and dreams ignite in the dreamscape of an artful and culturally diverse village centered community? What might you be impassioned to give your love, your energy and your time towards? Could there be an artist inside just waiting for the permission to discover and explore life through the hands, voice and eyes of an artist?

This Time is Art culture empowers the creation artist within to play, to create, and to be expressed.

Undeniably, there is a ground swell gaining momentum, and it is breeding a new culture of humanity. The shared mythos of this culture is just that, shared, and it is sourced by the power of a collective heart field, rooted in goodness and expression. It is a way of being in the world that seeks harmony, and is motivated by a shared common purpose for the good of the individual as paramount to the success of the whole.

In perfect timing, as the vestiges of an outdated design methodology fall away, a new village culture is on the rise and it must be perceived with compassion and a long view of understanding, as it is discovering itself as a teenager would, for it has chosen to pioneer a new way of living and being in the world. Are you apart of this shift? Might you feel the tide rising to commit your hours and minutes towards a thriving planet Earth and her people?

Time as seen through the lens of art in a village culture is perceived as the moments by which one is able to ask questions, receive answers, create, explore, to fuse ideas for innovation, and to produce art. Art that is a manifestation of one’s contribution to life, soul calling and expression, is inevitably is imbued with quality and love. What if a village culture’s success and characteristic style is determined by the art produced by its villagers, and the heart and soul that contributes to the quality of the goods and services provided? Might you be more apt to live and work here, or visit to experience the felt presence of heart and a culture that feels like family or perhaps even home?

The felt attraction and economic success of a village community is rooted in the diversity and expression of its inhabitants, whereby visitors access the culture of the community through the artful way it approaches everything. From community meal creation, celebratory events, to rites of passage, products for purchase, and even the way a guest is greeted upon arrival into the community. Each step along the way, the village experience is embedded with art and heart. Might the goal of a village community be that each being is in service to their soul’s calling? And thereby contributes to the village culture with her gifts and unique way of intentionally interacting and discovering the moment?

In order for a village culture to thrive, each being is seen as equal, as valuable, and empowered to contribute their unique and diverse offering as a gift. Some may call this following one’s heart, or serving one’s soul purpose. Art provides the transformational medium by which one may experience and discover their place, personal development, fulfillment, and continual evolution. The success of a village depends on the freedom and sovereignty of each contributing member, as well as the mutual core belief system, that one intends their actions and their art to serve both oneself and the good of the whole.

This mutually beneficial purposeful service lends itself to a culture of creative expression, that is ultimately guided by the heart. A spiritual component exists here for in the old paradigm, one’s mind and ego run the show. For the belief that life is tough and everyone is in competition led to separation, anxiety, comparison, hoarding and a host of fear-based actions. In a heart-based village environment, one holds the belief system that s/he is supported, loved, and that one’s peers are routing for each other’s success. One being’s success is thereby celebrated as the success of the whole.

The word, “compersion”, to celebrate another’s success, and then too, to feel it as your own, is a great example of the kind of vocabulary that a culture of heart and art is governed by. The cultural shift between an old separatist paradigm and a new emerging paradigm of co-creation is that the success of the village is the sum of the happiness and fulfillment of its members, and each person’s unique and diverse contribution.

In conclusion, a village culture that celebrates a time is art lifestyle, characterized by understanding, empowerment, interconnectedness, and creative contributions of expression and innovation breeds a high- level, solution-oriented community of inspired artists who pursue love and life, and produce superior quality goods and services that enlighten every aspect of the world.

Thank You. I Love You, Lila*Star

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