The Experience of Collaborating with Earth Nation

I have only been involved with Earth Nation since October of last year. It was so much to comprehend. Online academies, powerpoints, and videos highlighted the path of helping the Earth Nation with its goals. What are its goals? This is hard to summarize without several paragraphs but it is a coalition of individuals that believe that the current paradigm of reality can be shifted to one that is more sustainable, healing, cooperative, and loving using the advanced technology and knowledge that we already have. Our line of thinking is that governments, politicians, and big business has had plenty of opportunity (thousands of years of trial and error) to get it right. Putting trust into a minority of people has rarely paid dividends for peace and prosperity. The current establishment is no better than others before it, the U.S. still funds wars in countries they have no business in and we manipulate our currency to be the best when we have over-printed it of the point where it should be near worthless.

But excuse my rambling, I was talking about Earth Nation wasn't I? I got interested because I recognize the need for immediate change. Brothers and sisters worldwide are dying from preventable diseases, lack of care, lack of food, lack of shelter, and an increased toxic environment. Most of these problems already have solutions. We already generate enough food on this planet to feed the hungry; we just throw it away instead of giving it away. We have enough land for anyone to have plenty of places to live, yet we are bound by our capability of being able to feed ourselves or do not have enough money to do so. Our environment is getting violently scavenged and polluted for its resources, yet we can build much better energy units through solar, wind, and hydro generators. I could go on and on about all the possible solutions (some of them would sound so crazy, you would be floored by the mention of them) but yet we see little progress because of slow action. Governments and businesses have always looked out for themselves through history, very few actually cared about all of its citizens. It is not hard to see that change has to come from the masses.

This is where Earth Nation comes in. They are attracting game changers that have the capabilities to help in the new paradigm. I am a medicine man that has studies a variety of different therapies to process disease and pain out of the body. With Earth Nation, I hope to part of a new coalition of healers and learn new modalities to help those that have never given knowledge of this type of technology. Earth Nation is not currently at this point but I offered other skills such as my writing. I originally joined the Steemit Guild of Earth Nation to have them help my work spread. It's been an amazing experience so far, I love writing and I never imagined I could earn a decent income from it. All thanks to Earth Nation.

Now I am more involved with more sophisticated projects that require administrative work. I love the ability to work from my house on projects that are aligned with my ethics and intellect. Although I have not shared a good part of my knowledge, I have the feeling that many of the intelligent individuals withing Earth Nation already know a decent part of my knowledge which makes me excited. I feel isolated sometimes because many people around me are not aware of the craziness with our shitty government, our shitty wars, and our shitty, toxic products (cancer-causing agents in baby shampoo for Lord's sake). With Earth Nation, I feel as we are on similiar paths but took many different twists and turns to get here and we are here for one reason. To heal our society holistically by introducing the new paradigm of sustainable living. Imagine being able to live a comfortable house, working only 3-4 hours a day with the ability to live anywhere in the world by trading houses with other Earth Nation individuals. All your food is sourced locally, and you have a town market that grows everything you need. All your time can go to projects or be dedicated to your hobbies that you enjoy.

Sustainable ideas and businesses that provide global solutions will be championed and funded to the fullest extent to spread the solution as quickly as possible. All energy grids will be independent and powered by zero emission fuel sources. No toxic preservatives, chemicals, cleaning products, heavy metals, or dyes will be allowed if it has a chance to hurt someone. It's like the FDA but it actually does its job.

This is just a start of my vision of it, and I cannot comprehend what else could be part of it but this is what excites me now. Everyone contributing to the beautiful future that is coming to fruition. And we are still looking for help. All people that feel like this paradigm could be shifted for the better are welcome. Hard workers are much appreciated. Writers, coders, graphic designers, business men, pretty much everyone is welcome to participate.

I will be sharing more about my time in Earth Nation, I cannot talk about some projects, but soon, there will be some crazy developments that will shift the planet. I can feel it. Namaste.

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