Deep Down the Rabbit Hole: Alien Implants and Dr. Roger Leir

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Previously on DDRH, we investigated extraterrestrial objects found here on Earth. The objects that were most intriguing was an “alien implants” that was found inside a human. Dr. Roger Leir is a podiatric physician (commonly referred as a foot and ankle surgeon) that has performed 16 surgeries and has extracted 17 implants over the course of years. These object exhibited several strange characteristics, such as its composition being composed of metal that matches the metals found in meteorites. Now we look at what 20+ years of evidence has resulted, the origins of Dr. Roger Leir, and his legacy.

# Dr. Roger Leir’s History

Roger Leir is a native Californian and was born in 1934. He received his degree for podiatric medicine in 1964. He eventually opened his own private practice after working as Chief of the Diabetic Foot Clinic at Cedars of Lebanon Hospital in Hollywood. He was interested in Ufology since 1947 and attended several Ufology related lectures and presentations. A couple of near death experiences and a connection with Ufology led him to believe that his destiny was within Ufology research, so he began to participate more at his local MUFON (Mutual UFO Network) chapter. It was during one of these chapter meetings that he met his connection to John Doe, an abductee and implant victim, in 1995. Although he was doubtful of the X-Rays he was presented by John Doe (he initially believed it was a stainless steel suture commonly used in foot surgery), he was eventually persuaded by the Doe’s impressive background (he was a Chief of Abduction Investigations and Director of Physical Investigations for the Houston UFO Network in Texas as well as a former senior military police officer and former CIA agent). After reviewing a stack of paperwork, he asked John Doe if he could meet the woman who had the implant embedded in her foot and perform surgery for free (since she did not have medical insurance). Two more implant patients were chosen to participate as well, due to weird phenomena and similar abduction stories about their own implants.

He became hesitant to perform the surgery after pondering the notion that the surgery may lead to ridicule within his field and cause him to lose his license to practice. However, these hesitations ended abruptly when he awoke with a strange mark that looked like a line connected by three symmetrical dots from the palm to the end of the third finger. A UV light caused this mark to glow a brilliant green which, within Ufology, is an indicator of an abduction case. Leir then assembled his team of researchers which included a surgeon, a hypnoanesthesiologist, a psychologist, and an attorney. After agreeing on a date for the surgery, August 19th 1995, he pored through UFO literature to gain insight into other cases of alien implants. Very little information was available and there were rarely any success at procuring or analyzing foreign bodies of extraterrestrial origin but he did learn that there were tales of some objects removed in surgery would turn into a powder, dissolve, become a liquid, or deteriorate in some equally astonishing fashion. Based on that data, Leir decided to centrifuge the blood of the patients to separate the serum from the blood (to prevent coagulation), in order to create an environment to preserve the object.

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In his book, The Aliens and the Scalpel, he describes these first three surgeries in immense detail with one of the implants causing a gauss meter to emit a pulsating, buzzing sound which indicated an electromagnetic field being present. He tried to cut each object with a surgical knife but failed each time. The surgeries were successful and sent to pathologist to determine what bodily membranes were surrounding the objects. Foreign objects in the boy normally cause an inflammation response in the body which causes a fibrous tissue to accumulate around the body. But the pathologists reported that only soft tissue surrounded the objects, indicating there was no inflammation response, a medical anomaly that almost never occurs. Notably, the proliferate amount of nerve proprioceptors in the area did not make sense as well. He sent each tissue sample to three different pathologist yet they all reported no inflammation and a proliferation of nerve cells despite the tissue samples being from three different people from three different areas.

The metallic portions were examined at the University of Houston, where the objects were subjected to UV light which caused them to glow a brilliant green color. The researchers removed the membrane from the metallic portion by drying it out. The metallic portions were dark grey in color and extremely magnetic. The membrane consisted of coagulum (blood or lymph mass), hemosiderin (similar to hemoglobin in blood), and keratin (compound that helps grow nails and hair). Due to initial trouble with the University of Houston, the samples ere not able to be analyzed and that is when Robert Bigelow (billionaire Ufology enthusiast and SpaceX donor) entered the scene. A friend connected Bigelow with Leir and they met at the National Institute of Discovery Science. Once the board of the NIDS became interested in the specimens, they presented their findings to them as well as several notable Ufologists. Funding for more research and surgeries on new patients was granted and thus began a new set of surgeries with three new patients. These surgeries ended up being a success as well. Initial UV testing showed that these object glowed from a spectrum of green to pink. After word of these successful surgeries spread, Dr. Leir was asked to interviewed by magazines and radio news such as KNBC TV and FOX TV. By January 1996, Roger Leir had been interviewed on more than 50 radio programs. By 1997, he had been on national programs and had presented his findings over several presentations across the world.

# The Implants

These implants fall under 3 different categories: 1. Metallic covered by a biological coating. 2. Non-metallic. 3. Biological Implants. 7 out of the 16 implants were metallic with a biological coating and all looked the same: a small metallic rod about 8mm in length. The composition of these metallic implants were large amounts of iron, nickel, carbon, and oxygen. Smaller amounts of sodium, silicon, magnesium, aluminum, phosphorus, sulfur, chlorine, and calcium were present. Other “lighter colored” areas of these implants were found to be composed of oxygen, silicon, sulfur, calcium, nickel, iron, carbon, aluminum, with trace amounts of sodium, chlorine, potassium, titanium, and phosphorus. The structure of these implants indicate that they are the result of nanotechnology with some of them having little holes that are as small as atoms (nano-scale) and gold spheres on the outer surface. Carbon nanotubes and fibers are also present throughout the implant which is highly unusual as these are very delicate and would be destroyed by the heat of metalworking. Radio frequencies permeate from the devices for 30-60 days after it has been removed. These radio frequencies are within the bandwidth that humans use for space travel today. No immune response or rejection of these implants has ever been recorded which is highly unusual as many individuals experience this response for all other earthly “implants” such as embedded glass or transplanted organs. Also, there has been evidence of there being an abnormal proliferation of nerve cell bundles near the implants indicating that there is a connection between the nervous system and the implants purpose.

# Conclusions and Questions

The biological findings were interesting as the amount of nerve proprioceptors found in the tissue samples was anomalous since these type of nerve cells were normally found in areas such as the fingertips to help conduct sensations of the body such as pressure and temperature. Research at UCLA showed that devices can use bioenergy as a useful electrical output which, Dr. Leir speculates, could be used by the implants, using the nerve cells as conductors of this bioenergy. Dr. Leir also speculated that the membrane surrounding the metal foreign bodies were disguising it form the body’s natural inflammation response. If this is true, this would revolutionize medical science for the possibility of having transplants not be rejected would help with so many surgical cases. Dr. Leir suspected that it was the keratin that was most interesting out of the three compounds that made up the membrane and he wondered if a keratin incorporated into a gel-like mixture would create a similar membrane. An astonishing find from the second set of surgeries showed that the tissue was subjugated with intense amounts of UV light. UV light has been shown to help heal wounds more effectively, so Dr. Leir postulated that there was a UV device that helps heal the areas where the implant is placed.

Other factors that are significant include that most objects were found in the left side of the body, almost all of the specimens glowed under ultraviolet black light, all patients had a proclivity towards salty foods and found it difficult to not consume potato chip or large amounts of salt in each meal. Nearly 50% of the subjects suffered from night blindness (with over 90% of the female patients suffering this). The two patients out of the initial seven showed a 50% more rapid healing process and took 90% less post-operative pain medication. All of the implants seemed to be composed of meteorite material. The metallurgist that looked at the original seven samples suggested that an iron-silver mixture in the body could cause calcification and some of these things may also be ceramic materials. However, this does not explain the biological membrane or the lack of inflammatory response within the body.

# Legacy

Dr. Leir died on March 14, 2014. Those close to him remember him as a kind man that always gave back to the community and never asked for any money to help these implant victims. He was thought of as caring, sincere, and meticulous podiatrist that made a great discovery that could benefit all of mankind. Whether these devices turn out to be of alien origin or not is not important as the fact that these implants are technologically advanced and were placed in people against their will. Dr. Leir’s openness and dedication to the truth will always be in our hearts.

#Sources (His first book, I highly recommend this) (Obituaries)
(Beautiful Tribute)

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