Funding for the Website Development Team. An Earthnation DAO Proposal 10/11/2017.

Following is a proposal that passed through the Earth Nation Decentralized Autonomous Alliance.

"prism and i have created a website development DAO.

Our services can be found here

Sign up here

Our fulltime developer costs 500 dollars per month. We are asking for 3k USD to be reserved for the purpose of paying our developer during months where our collective does not receive enough cash clients to cover the job.

We are choosing to receive keys exclusively for this service. In exchange, we ask to be a keys distributor and for 50% of fiat and cryptocurrency from key sales we make from website clients to go to our website development collective.

This 50% cash to only be awarded to us for keys bought from us. None of the keys sold through us will ever be sold or traded for any other form of currency.

Furthermore, 50% of all keys spent through this service will go directly back to EN coffers."

This proposal was created by Dakota Kaiser. It was Approved.
This is the 107th Major Decision made by Earth Nation Voteholders.

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