Embodiment Team Keys Sponsorship. An Earthnation DAO Proposal 10/6/2017.

Following is a proposal that passed through the Earth Nation Decentralized Autonomous Alliance.

"The Embodiment Team has already been established, though no Keys were awarded. This team of healers and mediators supports the EN and its active members resolve challenge/difficulties,miscommunications/misunderstandings, interpersonal conflict, triggers, grievances, etc. providing mediation, conflict resolution, and safe neutral space for all perspectives for resolution and healing.

Asking for a starter budget of $2000 worth of Keys (1000 Keys = approx. 80 sessions ) to be given out at rate of $25 worth of Keys/hour for our mediators. The Embodiment Team will abide by same rates as most of our skilled jobs as a service to personal and collective health at $25 - $35/hr. - in the equivalent amount of Keys.

How do we ensure value and impact? The Embodiment Team is to be paid no more then 10% of the keys earned by their clients in a given week timeframe. Ex.) If the Embodiment Team provides consoling/mediation services to 3 people in a given monday-sunday week, and those three people earned a combined total of 1500 keys that week, the embodiment team may be paid no more then 150 keys for that week of service.

Furthermore..... We value a culture free of gossip, brushing things under the rug, projection, manipulation, blame, oppression, repeated malady, complaints, reputation smearing...etc.

Developing a Happy and Productive EN culture of conscious communication, healthy interpersonal relationships, emotional mastery, having our needs met and voices heard, harmonic co-creation, informed consent, council, meditation and supported conflict resolution is the Embodiment Team's first purpose. Please support this foundational health team for all!"

This proposal was created by Lila Star. It was Approved.
This is the 102nd Major Decision made by Earth Nation Voteholders.

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