Earthbag Earthship part 2

So here is the second part of this adventure talking about the house I plan on building, now I am not sure how many of you actually know what I am talking about, there is a man in New Mexico named Mike Reynolds who has fathered the idea of the earthship, that following six basic ideas the-earthship-principles.jpg

The earthship is supposed to be self sustainable and setup in a way that you should not need any outside resources, with wind and solar, rain water collection and solar thermal gain to make the earthship operate, water is used roughly 4 times from the time it is collected to the last use, sinks, showers, washing machines, to a tank in the front of the earthship that allows it to be used to water a indoor greenhouse area that will allow you to grown fruits and vegs for your consumption, after it goes thru that the water goes into a holding area that is then pumped to the toilets to be used to flush with, followed by the water finally leaving the house and going into a black water grow area outside that is non food producing, then to a septic system, the house is supper insulated and with very thick wall and the way things are setup there usually is no need for HVAC, now people do have some type of fireplace or something along those lines, it also gets solar gains from the large south facing window wall, the sun is low in the sky during the winter and the sun soaks into the floor and walls and radiate out at night, during the summer the sun is high in the sky and doesnt go into the house like the winter and there is cool air tubes that run on the back side of the house underground and is cooled by the ground, this house is estimated to be 55 to 75 degrees all yr round.earthship2-625x377.jpg

these pictures ARE NOT mine and I am using them as reference only

thanks for stopping by and sharing my adventure, please follow, resteem and comment

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