Earn TFUEL with a THETA Edge Node

I will start off saying you won't earn a ton of money but its an extra few bucks a month. Worth setting up on a 1 free year of amazon web services VPS. Which is 1 gb ram 1 core but it runs it. I have a few myself and also use the CGN cpucoin miner with it as well. You will defenitly earn more if you have a better machine but it won't be alot more than a 1GB VPS running. You can get the download for MacOS or Windows. Here's a link to the white paper and if you look on the left you will see the downloads.

With it downloaded and installed you can run it and start earning TFUEL. TFUEL is the transaction coin for the THETA blockchain. You can't send THETA without TFUEL so that gives it some value. What the edge node does is process videos on the THETA blockchain and they pay you TFUEL. TFUELs value is around 0.05$ each right now. i earn between 10-40 TFUEL a month per vps. Like i said its not alot of money but its a good asset to hold onto to sell in the bull run, whenever that happens.

Theta has to be one of my favorite projects for its uniqueness and use case. If you want to find out more about THETA you can read the rest of the whitepaper in the link i provided. There is more to Theta like staking to earn APY on TFUEL and THETA. There are minimums however. Running a guardian node and at the time of writing this its 1000 THETA minimum.

Hope you enjoyed my next earning opportunity. I want to do at least one of these a day for a month as i have more and better earning methods. Bye now

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