The Inevitability of a Polar Shift

I read this statement on a social medium. On Mewe to be exact.

I think that Artificial Super Intelligence has already taken over and what we all have been and are experiencing are the signs and symptoms of just that.

So, I responded to that:

I have researched the possible causes for the mandela effects that many of us are experiencing. This was my first theory actually: It could very well be artificial intelligence reverse-engineering itself using quantum computing, Bose-Einstein condensate and/or time travel to adjust the past in its advantage.
Bose-Einstein Condensate is a state of matter, which they can make at extremely low temperatures, at 177 nanokelvin. 0.000000177 degrees above absolute zero. Nowhere in the universe it's cold enough for that stuff to exist naturally, but we can make it here on Earth. And we do, and so we play with that stuff. It has reverse properties. You can pull it away from you, and push it towards you, but also in time it works in reverse: first comes the effect, then the cause. Which means we could be experiencing effects that have not yet been caused to happen. We could even cause our own existence to happen at some point in time, in the future.

So, I hope it's the other possible cause, which would be natural; the convergence of the timelines. Natural, because 'the powers' would definitely prevent it if they could. There's a lot to say about that too...

The convergence of the timelines. A natural phenomenon. They can keep a secret in one timeline, and they can keep a secret in some timelines, even in many timelines, but they can not keep a secret in all timelines. So, the more timelines converge, the more of their secrets will become common knowledge. Also, as more timelines converge, we also converge with everyone we could have been. If we had taken the other decision, which we did, and it was experienced, just not by your fractal of consciousness. You will converge with who you would have been if you had taken that decision, theoretically. The convergence speeds up exponentially. It should be done when the cataclysm happens, which would be when David Wilcock is 56 years old, unless he lied about that. He said he dreamed it would happen at that age. He was born on March 8, 1973, so he will turn 56 in 2029.
"The Event", "The Solar Flash", whatever it will be... It could be a micronova of the sun which causes a pole shift, and miles high tsunamis as a result of that. It felt incredibly true when I first heard about it. And it was researched by this guy on youtube, ...

I hope I can make people think. I just hope I planted some seeds, as a base, as a fundament for you to build more inspiring thoughts. That's what I do it for. I like to make people think, I like to plant seeds.
Speaking of which...
This is not my video. It's an excerpt from an episode behind a paywall. It's about this pole shift, and its inevitability due to the Dzhanibekov effect.
Benjamin Towels - Clown World, scene from S01E07

Thanks for your attention.
Have a wonderful rest of your day.

Kind regards,


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