Pain During Menstrual Period

There may be minimal abdominal pain during menstrual period. But sometimes there may be much more pain. Due to pain, daily activities can not be done, schools and colleges have to stop. Generally 16-24 year old girls suffer more than this problem.

Pain During Menstrual Period.jpg

There may be pain due to hormonal problems, stress, unemployment, ovarian chocolate cysts or pelvic inflammatory disease, cervical tumor and congenital uterus problems.

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Pain is often so much that the patient looks very depressed. Anyone with pain may have headaches, leukemia or vomiting.

To do:

  • Breath of hot water in the stomach.
  • Vitamin E, B1, B6, C diet. For example: peanuts, paste nuts, mango, bananas, apples, fish, eggs, wheat, green vegetables - these foods reduce pain by decreasing muscle contraction.
  • If you sit for 20-24 minutes in hot water sink, then you will get benefits.
  • Body massage
  • Pain may reduce pain, hormonal medicines, and can sometimes lead to uterine or ovarian surgery.

It is more of school girls. So mother or sister or family of Aponjon can give the idea beforehand. The school book has a monthly schedule. So, when the open discussion of the teachers openly, fear and helplessness will be reduced.

Exercise, nutritious food, stress free, and ministrial hygiene - this can greatly reduce the problem.

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