Multi millions and billions

Handed out.

To top 10 Milcendo and Genkin HODLers.

GNK in burn top 4!

The huge drop-load of multi billions Genkin and multi millions of Milcendo has been taken place. And there has been send a lot of GNK and MCD to the @null address. Meaning that there was a drop 'n burn. Genkin is now at the fourth spot of most burned Steem-Engine Tokens.

Still, there is enough left for more emission rounds. Both Tokens being part of the 'Dutchland' Hive it makes sense that members can expect to be rewarded with GNK and MCD. First for becoming a member and then... Well, more about that later. Got to get back to the paint-brushes and more of those kind of things.

May the Cryptos be with us!

4th spot for the Genkin Token at @null burn address.
Screenshot taken at

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