Snap # 5 – Is this snap? Or I’m dreaming? :)

Hello my dear Steemians and D-Tubers!

I know it's not a snap at all !!!

And full installation of frames, not one take in one breath… And the time is exceeded, at least twice... and I did not do it (my colleagues filming me)... And it's not on the topic of Steem, blockchain or D-Tube… and finally in Russian…

Not snap at all… I apologize for this provocation (good, not evil) :)

I also specifically do not translate this video, which deals with what is a swap in the foreign exchange market and competent trading on it. This is the fifth and last of a series of pilot videos on trading.
Four from a previous video I posted earlier.
In all these videos, I'm just a talking head, nothing more. Everything else is the work of quite professional guys who shot these videos. And none of those videos were rated here on Steemit and DTube. But in other places it or liked or were comments, but here... silence and no interest, not was to those commercials.
The quality of the videos, in my opinion, is not bad, but the response to them was zero. I don't mean upvotes, but comments…

The questions I have are:

  1. Do we need a quality video on the D-tube?
  2. Do we need video in Russian?
  3. How do we attract people who can make high-quality video?
    And…. How to draw attention to not bad material without provocations ? ))))

Thank you for your attention to watching this video!
See you!

P.S. @nathanmars brother! They'll eat me !!! ))))

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