RE: RE: Waking People Up To Their Own Slavery and Brainwashing with Larken Rose
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RE: Waking People Up To Their Own Slavery and Brainwashing with Larken Rose

RE: Waking People Up To Their Own Slavery and Brainwashing with Larken Rose

She said herself she is.

You claim I want to initiate force without any justification for that claim.

Where do I do that?

Do you mean this.
"So it may be practical or strategic, to use other people who use threads and violence, to get what you want or need, but then you are "breaking" natural law."

That "you"is meant as a "you" in general. And that alinea is meant explanatory.

Mostly I put in a disclaimer that You is not meant as a personal you. or I put the you between "" these guys. Forgot sorry.

If it's already here, we already have anarcho capitalism, so what's the point of even being ancap?

You don't understand what I've been trying to convey. I'm not saying that all people live according to voluntaryist principles. Most people are born and raised, fully emerged in the cult of statism. And "you" don't get them out easily especially when for them looking to daddy or mommy government seems like the easiest way to solve problems. In a way, they have been raised by mommy and daddy state, to stay like helpless and scared children .

If most peole live according to voluntaryist principle then the ancap society will emerge .
It is not that ancap society is implemented by someone or government, and then all people will live according to a system.
I hope you get what I mean with that.

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