RE: RE: Waking People Up To Their Own Slavery and Brainwashing with Larken Rose
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RE: Waking People Up To Their Own Slavery and Brainwashing with Larken Rose

RE: Waking People Up To Their Own Slavery and Brainwashing with Larken Rose

From what I know Lauren Southern said she's National Socialist I personally heard her identify in real live as such. And last time I checked she's a socialist (collectivist) and a nationalist.

A lot of libertarians are not ancaps either but minarchists a.k.a. a statist
Ancap first concern is morality(for him or her personally) not strategy or practicality.
And also someone who call's him/herself ancap can call oneself an ancap and not be an ancap. You can find out by what he/she is doing, or what he/she is advocating for, if the human being is a principled ancap/voluntaryist.

To give an example, I can call myself a vegetarian but if I eat steak every day, or advocate for the bio industy, people could clearly see i'm not vegetarian. ("vegeterian law" does not care if I "break" it)

I can call myself ancap also but if i don't care about right or wrong as soon as I need or want something, I use threads and violence (myself or via the state or another group) With the justification/excuse that it must be done this way because "practical" or "strategic" or "needed" or "wanted", then I'm clearly not an ancap/voluntaryist.
Natural law or the Non aggression principle does not care if I "break" it to be in effect.

So it may be practical or strategic, to use other people who use threads and violence, to get what you want or need, but then you are "breaking" natural law.
Natural law is not something that is achieved in the future.
You align with Natural Law or you don't. (The wanted effects of natural law in reality I should say)
The more people know what it and try align with it/work according it, the better it will be for freedom and peace.
But natural law can never be made in a law by man on paper and enforced ( be mandatory) If man would do that he would just have shown he does not understand natural law and he would by doing that have "broken" natural law.

Natural law is now in effect and has been always and will always be. It's a principle and the principle does not care how many people know it/live by it or not. Just like gravity you can try to "break" the law of gravity, experiment with it, make mistakes, but gravity does not care if you jump out of a plane without a parachute to "break" it. It's just in effect and you can try to understand it and use it's principles to get wanted effects.
Just as you can study and know Natural law to get the effects you want, which could be freedom for instance.

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