You're late in your Dreams - Midnight Improvisation

A sweet night to you my friends,

Here is a "quick" sped up jam I created tonight.

It's referring to the feeling I get when I'm running after my dreams, or in my dreams. This feeling that you're so close to reach something important, but it just goes too fast for you, so you never get it. This feeling that you're going to finally arrive to this aimed place, but you end up somewhere else. Then, you feel lost`, or just in the right place, bad, or good, relaxed, or stressed. In a hurry? Do I want to leave? Go somewhere else? Do I feel good? Do I need something? Absurdity? Stability? This feeling...

A random thought.

I think that...

Life is music. Music is Love. Love is the dream. But a dream can be scary. Love as well.

But if you're not too scared...

Make your life a dream, and your dreams a reality.

I love you all, beautiful living beings.

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