The Grand Delusion

There is a grand delusion today. Many people have been blinded by one factor or another. Swayed by a movement. Moved by an idea. And yet we are still economically and morally in collapse. Our society is rotten at its core. Individuals hate each other for no apparent reason. They yell and scream at each other because they disagree on the most trivial of information.

Meanwhile, those in control are becoming more and more powerful every single day. They divide and conquer just as they have for millennia. Goldman Sachs and the financial and corporate elite increase their grip around the government, ensuring their dominance. Collusion is evident in every aspect with a revolving door that grows ever more powerful and influential every day. But the public sees suits and ties. They see a bureaucracy they can’t understand so they leave it up to their leader. “He’ll take care of me!” they say. “I voted for him and he will make sure that everything is fixed for the greater good”.

Of course, there has never been a time in history where this has happened. Government cannot fix any important issue. They can’t be there to help you. They won’t prop up the stock market when you need it. They won’t make the central bank disappear. They will not stop assisting their friends and your expense. They are they to enrich themselves and maintain and increase their power and control.

The grand delusion is evident everywhere in the world. Some people become fed up and they take to the streets. They desire a solution to their problems. Usually they blame their leader. They don’t really know anyone else, so they yell and scream and perhaps it escalates. But even in the instances where the leader is replaced, the problems are not resolved. They can’t be because the head of state is just one individual. They are like the CEO of the company. Does the CEO know what’s happening in the marketing department? Probably not in any detail. Does the CEO know about the Information Technology department? Of course not. The CEO does his tasks. He signs the documents. He meets with high level individuals. But the CEO is just a spoke on the wheel. A cog in the machine. And the machine is there to dominate you. The machine is the group of people who ordered plutonium to be injected into innocent humans for testing purposes. The machine is the group that still today thinks its ok to spy on everyone's phone calls and emails. The machine is the group that constantly steals your hard earned money and enriches contractors overseas to attack innocent people from 30,000 ft. But you applaud and cheer the suits and ties. You accept that you’ve done what you could do, after all, you’re not the CEO.

Do not be fooled and swayed by the talking heads. By the media. By the politicians. They’re doing their tasks. Taking orders. Those who are really in control remain in the shadows. We often hear about a power that goes beyond government. Interestingly, this has started to come up in the media in the past couple years. Sadly this is only a distraction. Those who actually have power are not within the structure of government at all. They’re not part of committees or parties. Their power reaches beyond borders. They remain out of sight and control a select few elite individuals in power positions. Through the process of compartmentalization, they can rule and dominate. They have always done this and always will. Anyone who attempts to tear apart this power structure will end up with the same fate as JFK. There are no exceptions to this rule.

But don’t take this as entirely negative. There’s no reason to feel down. But opting into the system keeps you under their full control. There are steps you can take to make serious change. But you have to want it. For example, every time you purchase something from these conglomerates, you are feeding the beast. Your tax dollars fund the madness. When you invest in their massive corporations, you encourage them to spy on you and your loved ones. When you keep your money in their big banks, you fund their fractional reserve banking insanity.

You can make some basic adjustments to your lifestyles. Some are small. Some are much larger. If you can become somewhat self-sufficient, you lessen your dependance on their systems and increase your sovereignty. This is hard to do for some because they’re unwilling to put the effort. But it’s possible. For example, you can live in a condo in the city, buying food from the grocery store like many people do. Or you can have a piece of land, living off your own source of power, some of your own food, others from the local farms, harvesting your own water. Many places around the world have very simple rules for not having to pay property tax with very basic requirements in these living conditions.

So, this doesn’t mean you are free from the machine. This simply means that you have lessened your dependance on it. That increases your sovereignty, which is priceless.

The fools who fail to learn about history are certainly doomed to repeat it.

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