If You Have Been on The Fence with DTube, Here’s Why You Should Join

As I mentioned in my first video on here, I was stalking Steemit for a long time. I was seeing what types of posts people wrote and trying to get the courage to write about things I am passionate about. One thing that kept catching my interest was people posting DTube videos.

For me, I have always loved watching people’s videos rather than just read their articles and the reason is because I am able to get a sense of who they are. I can put a voice to the words I am reading from that point on and see their personality/how passionate they are about what they are talking about.

Video content has only been getting more and more attention as it’s the best way to stand out and engage with your audience. That is why I think that DTube will only succeed with time as we continue in our digital age (and as blockchain technology receives more attention). On top of that, having a platform where content creators will be rewarded and not stripped away from monetization will resonate with many.

@DTube and Steemit have been my first content creating experience and I must say, it’s been amazing!

DTube & YouTube

I see those who post on YouTube and share that video on Steemit and others who post only on DTube. For me, I haven’t started posting to YouTube yet as I am brand new in my content creating journey but I do plan to since let’s face it, that’s the way to get to a majority of the world still. YouTube is the largest website for user-created content but it’s not perfect and that’s why people are looking for alternatives. YouTube has been enforcing a much stricter ad policy and demonetizing videos which are making many users upset. However, YouTube is still such a powerful search engine tool and plays a huge role in someone’s exposure starting out.

One of YouTube’s Recent Changes That Suck

  • You used to need only 10000 lifetime views to earn money from ads. Now, you need to have 4,000 hours of watch time within in the past 12 months AND 1,000 subscribers.
    This is hard for new users on YouTube as they have to wait to start receiving revenue from their videos. DTube allows new users to make money Day 1 if they simply get a “Thumbs Up” or upvote.

DTube’s Strengths:

  • They put the power back in the hands of the creators by limiting the censorship that is often found on YouTube
  • Decentralized
  • There are no ads during your video experience allowing no interruption in the creator’s message
  • Similar to Steemit, you can get paid for the written content that you produce, but you can bust out your camera and do it that way
  • It’s another way for Steemit users to engage with the community
  • It adds to Steemit’s potential of getting more users as it diversifies the platform
  • Great team of developers who are transparent about the platform
  • DTube strongly supports their community and often will upvote content


I think DTube is great and I would love to see it get more content creators & continue creating a valuable user base. The more attention we bring to DTube, the more it will stand out to the mass population. DTube has the potential to become a very strong platform for value based content. I believe it is a platform that caters to the masses as it levels the playing field for all forms of content creators (with minimized censorship). Decentralization is a beautiful thing and I’m pumped to have found DTube early on in my content creating process.

We just need to keep getting more big fishes from YouTube to come to DTube and bring their viewers!

Also, in case you were wondering,

How to Sign Up for a DTube Account

  • Use your Steem username and your PRIVATE posting key. This took me a bit to find as I was brand sticking new and didn’t entirely know how to navigate the platform.
  • How You Find Your Private Posting Key: Go to “Wallet” --> “Permissions” --> Click “Show Private Key” next to the Posting tab --> Use that as your password

For those that use DTube, what are your thoughts on the platform so far??

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