Virtually Everything Is A Lie

Unfortunately for us, virtually everything we've been taught and told is a lie.
This video clip by Max Igan emphasizes this fact.

In order to fully understand the extent of the control that the matrix has over humanity, one must be aware that almost everything we've been taught about where we are, what our history has been, as well as what science facts are, is a web of lies so monumental that there is a natural tendency to reflexively recoil at the thought.

The puppet-masters have exploited this reflexive response to their advantage, which has enabled them to maintain these lies even as more and more individuals have attempted to expose the matrix for what it is.

At this point in time the web is so tightly woven that there is little chance that the distracted masses will ever break free of their bondage, and this is why the controllers are open about their plans for total information awareness and control.

The universal human focus of the individual on 'Me, My, Mine', has enabled this process to proceed virtually unhindered for the last 500 years with little resistance.

How does that old saying go "We have met the enemy, and it is us."

And there's also that other saying that "We get the leaders we deserve."

And so it is........

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