Little Information About Create A Web Wallet Free:-


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to start a new Web wallet. An email address is optional but helpful for re￾covering your account should the need arise.

Create a password. (Pro tip: Use a password manager like LastPass to create a 100-character password with uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and special characters.)

You’ll be directed to this page. Let’s get your security measures out of the way first. For added security, go to “Settings” on the sidebar. Click it.

A page with your “Wallet information” will open up. Save your Wallet ID in a safe place. It is your “username” to log in to your wallet. (You can save it into your password manager as “username.”)

The next time you log in, you’ll see two forms to fill in. Wallet ID and Password.

Now, once you’re logged in, go to “Settings” and click on “Preferenc￾es” this time. Be sure to check your email and verify that. And then, if you wish, enable two-factor authentication using your mobile number.

Meaning, before you log in, you must verify a code sent to your phone. (Not foolproof, but better than not doing it.)

Once you’re done there, click “Security.” Check out the “Wallet Re￾covery Phrase.” This phrase is a set of 12 randomly chosen words. You’ll need to record these words in the exact order they are given.

If you happen to lose your password, you can use these words (in this order) to recover your funds. It’s a great back-up plan. Use it. Click
“Backup Phrase.”

The words will show up four at a time. Write all of them down in a safe place. DO NOT store them on your computer.

Once you’ve written them down in the correct order, you’ll be asked to confirm you have the correct words in the correct order.

Finally, go to “Addresses” below “Security.” You’ll see the page below. Now click “Import Address.”

This is where you’ll either type in your Private Key or scan your QR Code.


Use this function if you would like to keep some funds on the paper wallet.

  1. Download Mycelium from the Android Play Store or through iTunes

  2. Press the menu button and select “Cold Storage”

  3. Scan in private key QR code or type it up, copy it and select “clipboard” to paste it

  4. Select your destination address

  5. Select the amount

  6. Press the blue currency tag at the top to toggle currency

  7. Send!After spending, the private key in memory is destroyed so the paper private key remains secure.

[Even so, best practice is to be as paranoid as possible and immediately send the remaining balance to a paper wallet that was generated offline.]


There’s also another less painful way to do all of this. Simply get a cold storage device. You can get one online for less than $100 and they’re specifically designed to be hack-proof.

The ones I recommend you check out are Trezor or a Ledger wallets.

Unfortunately, they are currently limited to a few coins.

Both use state-of-the-art cryptographic technology to hold your pri￾vate keys offline — even when the device is plugged into your computer.

Learn more about either on their websites:



(Ledger supports bitcoin, ethereum, ethereum classic, litecoin, doge￾coin, zcash, dash and stratis)

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