Danny Sessom | The Crypto Show | Dash Blockchain Proposal System

Pat Leach (@illucifer) chats with Danny Sessom of the Crypto Show about the Dash Blockchain, its Proposal System and Anarchadelphia.

Danny explains how he was a Ron Paul delegate in 2012 and was ’That Guy’ holding up a sign that said End the Fed. In 2013 he started getting into Bitcoin pretty heavy and realized he didn’t have to end anything, he could just opt out.

Danny was in Chile and ran into a kid that was buying land with Bitcoin. That sparked his interest even more after hearing the price had risen to $216 from the $30 he’d last heard.

“I’m in! I went full on Bitcoin-retard after that”

For the last two years Danny has been living off of cryptocurrency, more specifically, Dash. He explains how Dash is a fork of the Bitcoin Blockchain and it focuses on usability, and explains how Venezuela is using it as of necessity.

Dash is a bit more expansive than Bitcoin as it adds a community aspect via the Dash Masternode proposal system. 45% of the chain’s inflation is dedicated to Proof of Work mining, 45% is for the Masternodes and 10% for development/marketing.

Proof of Work verifies the transaction, the Masternodes help secure the network and distribute the inflation for proposals.

Danny explains how the Dash Proposal system helped his involvement with relief for Hurricane Harvey in Texas. The community also donated to his effort and he helped over 3000 people. He explains how FEMA and Redcross were not helping much, but his anarchist spirit overstepped the government’s effort.

Danny drives around the country in his RV using the Dash Proposal system as a sponsor. He also operates his show “The Crypto Show’ out of the RV. He’s on five different radio stations.

Pat and Danny talk about Anarchadelphia and how TSOA has an active Dash Proposal for Dash to be the main sponsor for the event and how we want to get as much of the Dash community involved as possible.

Pat addresses how the market volatility has had an impact on the amount of Dash originally sought out and Danny agrees with the risk, but some times it benefits you, others not so much.
Danny says “You take the good with the bad”

You can find Danny's crypto show at https://thecryptoshow.com/

Crypto TipJar


Join The State of Anarchy, this September's Harvest Moon in Philadelphia Pennsylvania, where this gathering of like-minds aims to foster unbreakable relationships between the movement's leading forces whom teach self love and ownership, blockchain techno-economics as well as exposing the Earth's sacred hidden knowledge. Will we see you there?

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