Should I Lie On DTube? - (Recorded last Friday but couldn't upload it).

Should I lie snap.jpg

I have no intention of telling lies on DTube, but there are plenty of people who do, which is unfortunate. This was uploaded to YouTube just to test how long it would take to upload, as I am having issues with DTube. It won't upload my videos, but I can see other people from my country uploading videos so it's not my county. Other people have complained as well.

I really want to be an active part of the DTube community but these errors have got to be fixed.
I also can't log into the DTube chat.

The people I wanted to thank are here in no particular order:
@coruscate, @nathanmars, @deepsouthpiddlin, @kawaiicrush, @vylt, @mickvir, @vancientantrika, @onnovocks. I am sure there are many others that I am currently forgetting. Please check out their videos.

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