Open Letter to All the Dtubers. Where is Your audience?


I have been thinking about talking with all of You about this situation that I think it is slowing down the growth of our community and the @dtube platform.
Let me start with one simple Question.
Why have Youtube, the biggest Video platform, became so popular?


And the answer it is very simple. They have an audience.

I feel that the Dtube community is doing a great job and creating amazing content. When it comes to promote it out there I also think we are doing a great job.

And this is where I think a lot of us are falling. The way we promote the platform is directed to other content creators only. We never introduce it as a good place for regular / non content creators to come and consume content.

That will also influence the type of content We are creating. Because if we know the majority of People that are consuming videos are other content creators, we will focus on creating content for that target audience.


Now. What we should be thinking about is that even if nowadays it is very popular and there are a lot of content creators online. The majority of People that use the internet are not in that realm.

I feel that when promoting the platform and the type of content that is created here we should be focusing more on bringing in a bigger audience. People that come to Dtube just to watch and enjoy videos, leave comments and talk about whatever is the type of content You upload.

Because if there is traffic on the platform and there are a big audience consuming content, all the content creators will benefit from it and also organically will bring more Online Video content creators without the need of doing such a direct and targeted type of promotion.

My point
To all the amazing content creators out there on Dtube that are uploading and focusing on connecting and creating content for other content creators. I bet more than 50% or more, never wanted to create that type of content. So Focus on creating what You Love and bring with You an audience that enjoy that type of videos.

Having a platform where 90% of the audience are the content creators themselves will not bring more people from outside or even make other people in the STEEM blockchain interested in checking our videos. People will not relate to the videos and feel that we are a closed circle just creating videos for this "elite" group that upload on Dtube.

How can we turn this around?
You have a niche, a specific type of People that enjoy the same things You do. So You should be creating videos for them. Finding ways for them to come back for Your next upload. Make sure You interact with You audience, even if they just joined the blockchain and their vote it is only worth $0.0001. Make sure You show love to Your audience because something so simple as that might make them come for more and tell other people about You.
Also when You talk about Dtube anywhere else in the internet, don't do it always from the point of view of recruiting other content creators. Talk about the benefits for the audience. Tell them they could be watching DIY videos of Yours (for example) and if they leave a comment they could be making money out of it.

I think everyone is doing a great job and there are amazing content creators on Dtube. But now it is time to start bringing in the Audiences.

Hope that my point didn't came across in a rude manner because that is not the goal.

But let me know Your thougts about this situation?

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Thank You All and I Promise to use the STEEM Power wisely





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