Why Shopify and Amazon FBA are Dead in 2018 - How You Can Succeed in 2018

In this video I wanted to talk about why Shopify and Amazon FBA and eCommerce in general is dead in 2018.

Now obviously I'm making this video somewhat tongue and cheek as in reality eCommerce is growing. Amazon is growing super fast, Walmart is making a huge push into the eCommerce space and more and more people are buying online instead of brick and mortar so eCommerce isn't dead it's growing.

The reason for the title and kind of the message behind the video is that the Ali Express Dropshipping, free product just pay shipping gimmicks and the low barrier to entry lazy and played out methods of eCommerce are dead.

Another thing I mention in this video and a reason that really highlights this for me personally is that guys like Alex Becker and Tai Lopez who in the past sort of portrayed themselves as being above this "lowly online hustling" type stuff are now jumping in making videos on these topics, pitching courses, etc.

In the past Becker kind of talked about how he's a multi-millionaire software developer and when topics like this would come up he would kind of be like "I don't do that, that's kind of below me. But for many of you maybe it's okay" That was kind of the attitude I got from him and Tai Lopez and now that they realize that this low barrier to entry stuff has masses of wannabe entrepreneurs jumping in and there's a lot of money to be made now all the sudden they are experts on this stuff and are making videos on it.

Now I do have to give Becker props, he made a great video the other day about this very topic why eCommerce is dead in 2018 and he shared some tips on how to seperate yourself from the pack, how to stand out and how to be successful and I think he actually shared some really great and helpful tips and I"ll actually link to that video below...


Then you have Tail Lopez now making videos about Amazon FBA making it seem like it's super easy. Amazon FBA has gotten very competitive and the days of importing literally anything and selling it for large profits is done. The days of building a business solely on Amazon are done. Now days you have to bundle products, you have to create your own unique products and really Amazon can't be your only business, it has to be part of a larger business, it should be an element of your business, not your entire business.

Now as I said, eCommerce isn't dead, it's actually growing faster than ever but these low barrier to entry methods that are already very competitive and which really have no barrier stoppiing a million more people from jumping into, those things are dead.

At the end of this video I kind of share some methods of bundling and/or creating your own unique products so that you can seperate yourself from the masses.

In Beckers video above he gives the example of Fidget Spinners. Sure if you get in early you can make a little cheddar, however it's only a matter of time before a million other people start doing the same thing because they can just as easily throw up a Shopify store and find spinners on Ali Express just as easily as you can and then the laws of supply and demand kick in and it drives the price down, it kills the margins and you have a million people splitting up a handful of sales.

I think this video is a must watch for new entrepreneurs. Lastly before I cut out, keep in mind that the online Gurus trying to sell you courses, the software companies who make ecommerce analytic programs etc they have a vested interest in creating more and more entrepreneurs because whether you are successful or not they are still getting their $39.95 per month or whatever it may be.

Now I'm not criticizing these companies by any means, I love Jungle Scout and Oberlo and many other of these programs. I think they are helpful programs, I think they put out a lot of helpful resources and provide a lot of value, but at the same time if they can make it look easy to make 5k per week with no work that's in their interest to do so and will get more people signing up so just keep that in mind. Realize when going into this stuff nothing is guranteed, nothing is easy, it will require time and effort and yes even money.

Again, not trying to discourage anyone, just want to make sure people have a realistic view of how these things work.

Let me know your thoughts, as well as your experiences, drop a comment below..

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