The Best Thing That Ever Happened To Me

A long time ago I changed my thoughts. It led to creating websites, setting up a business, leaving work, traveling around the world and being happy. Without this mindset shift, I never would have even gotten started. Before that I was just working and living in London ... and unhappy.

What was the mindset shift that saved me?

The belief that I could improve my life by my own efforts and my own efforts alone.

My old belief – that a good life was caused by external stimuli – was all wrong. Good luck, bad luck or the situations you find yourself in are incidental. They appear as though they’re affecting events but they aren’t. You are.

I realised I could improve my mood by elevating my thoughts. I started to identify the first thoughts that would lead to a downward spiral of negative self-talk, and stop it as quickly as I could.

I started daily meditation and affirmations (all my affirmations have come true). I avoided negativity as best as I could. If something went wrong I didn't blame myself or anyone else. I just concentrated on me in the present moment and I soon forgot about the bad things.

This changed my life: identifying and noticing the negative self-talk and killing the ideas before they spiralled into more damaging thought processes and limiting beliefs.

Whenever you notice yourself thinking negatively, stop and concentrate on the present moment.

What do I mean by concentrating on the present moment? It’s very easy. You can do it now, this very moment.

The present moment is the most important time there is. It's the only time there is.

My book on Re-programming Yourself for Success and Happiness with Meditations, Affirmations, Mindset Shifts is here on Amazon Kindle: (I'll give it to you for free if you can't afford it or you come from a place where you can't get Amazon Kindles).

If there’s one thing I want you to know, it’s this: you can do it.

What do you think about this video? Would you like me to do more about this? Let me know please in the comments.

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