Chapter two

In this chapter, we will talk about how oligarch Usmanov bribed Dmitry Medvedev, by giving his non-profit foundation an estate worth 5 billion rubles.

The founder of “Gradislava” foundation, Leonid Rubtsov, mentioned in the first chapter, was also a director at “Green Yard” firm. This firm belongs to another foundation- the non-profit foundation for support of socially significant state projects (abbreviated as "Sotsgosproekt"; RUS Соцгоспроект).

Surely you have not heard of this foundation before, despite the monumental purpose and vanity title. It is also organized by Medvedev and managed by his people. And just like the “Dar” and “Gradislava” foundations, it acts in the interests of the Prime Minister.

We should take a look at who manages “Sotsgosproekt”. The Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the foundation is that same classmate of Medvedev- Ilya Yeliseyev, who heads “Dar” foundation.

The Director of the “Sotsgosproyekt” foundation is another classmate of Medvedev - Alexey Chetvertkov.

Ilya Yeliseyev invited him to work at his place. Here he is (number 4) next to Yeliseyev (number 5) at the LSU law school reunion.
Source: “Vedomosti”

The founder of “Sotsgosproyekt” is Vitaly Golovachev. He is a key employee of “Dar” foundation and heads Its management company. Vitaly Golovachev serves as the nominal owner of a number of Medvedev's assets, which will be discussed later.
We discovered a very interesting property in the ownership of “Sotsgosproyekt” foundation and its subsidiary company "Green Yard". Namely- a luxurious estate with: a 3000m² huge house, a 750m² guest house, a bathhouse and other buildings. All this is on 4.3 hectares of the most expensive land in Russia- Rublyovka, in the town of Znamenskoe.

However, why describe all this in words, if you can see?

4.3 hectares of land and houses with a total area of almost 4000m² is very expensive. Given the location, it's fabulously expensive. Using the prices of elite properties nearby, this Rublyovka possession can be estimated at 5 billion rubles. How did the non-profit “Sotsgosproyekt” foundation, known by nobody, have that kind of money?

The secret is that if the foundation belongs to Medvedev, then it does not need any money. The Rublyovka land with all the houses of the foundation.... were gifted.
Look by whom:

Extract from the Federal Service for State Registration
An oligarch, one of the richest Russian businessmen, gave Medvedev’s foundation an unusually expensive estate on Rublyovka. We understand perfectly well what such a gift means: it is a bribe. There can not be any other explanation why the oligarch gives someone an estate of 5 billion. And Usmanov and Medvedev understand this. That is why the gift was issued to a controlled foundation, which is managed by a classmate of Medvedev; another one- is in the Supervisory Board; and as the Director of the subsidiary company, the same person to whom the estate in Ples is formally registered, was appointed.




Alisher Usmanov with Dmitry Medvedev and Svetlana Medvedeva

A huge house and 4.3 hectares of land in Znamenskoye town in Rublyovka, worth about 5 billion rubles, were gifted by oligarch Usmanov to the foundation for support of socially significant state projects. This foundation has nothing to do with charity and does not conduct significant activities. The foundation is managed by the same people as the "Dar" and "Gradislava" foundations, which own Medvedev's residence in Ples and other personal properties of the Prime Minister. Such a gift from an oligarch to a government official can only be a bribe.

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