Testkits - Construction Run Off Kit

Construction Run Off Kits - in one form or another these kits are used at construction site all over the world. The most basic kit contains a simple turbidity tube (reading in NTUs), 0-14 pH strips, a small beaker and instructions. These items come in a hard plastic case lined with foam to protect the contents and to avoid them being lost.

These kits are designed to meet the basic day to day testing of site run off for local government requirements. However if your site has specific requirements e.g chlorides, dissolved oxygen (DO) or iron, etc, we are able to produce a modified kit to suit.

We also have a wide range of electronic meters available, which can take your testing to another level of repeatability, and accuracy.

Test procedure

For pH test strips:

  1. Use beaker to collect a water sample.
  2. Place a pH test strip into the water being tested for approximately 10 seconds.
  3. Put the test strip up against the colour chart on the tube and match the colour to closest number and record your result.

Tips: Don't shake the strip

For the Turbidity Tube:

  1. Collect your water sample, being careful not to disturb any sediment.
  2. Gradually pour the water sample into the turbidity tube while looking vertically down the tube. Place the tube out of direct sunlight at this stage.
  3. Stop pouring at the point where the symbol on the bottom of the tube is just visible.
  4. Note the reading from the scale on the side of tube.
  5. Pour a small amount of the water sample out of the tube and repeat steps 2 and 3..

Tips : If you're outdoors have the sun behind you while testing and make sure you always redo the test as it is a visual test.

Other products construction sites use are DO kits, pH meters and iron.

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