I figured out how to get D.tube videos to play on Steemit

Hello everyone :)

I'm not sure if this is helpful information or not, but I had previously been facing this issue and now that I figured out a fix, I would like to let people know.

When you post to D.tube, it shares a post on the Steem blockchain with an image linked at the top of the post to the D.tube video. Most people don't seem to want to have to open that up to play the video, and I understand that. As I had been cross posting to YouTube, I would just share the embed link from there, and it works fine.

However, apparently if you simply paste the URL of the D.tube video in your post, it will put in a player that is viewable on Steemit. I'm not sure if this is a recent development or not, but it certainly is nice. The only issue then is that you'll have to edit a post and add this in, unless there is some way to generate the URL prior to posting on D.tube that I don't know about.

To provide an example:

This is what is put at the top of the post from D.tube:
<center><a href='https://d.tube/#!/v/nmcdougal94/dgg56pc4'><img src='https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmUdjGAXZBp2c5h67eaCaM1bKtz6EWegXw7qQ337tmcsnV'></a></center><hr>

What that shows up as is an image, the snapshot of the video, that links to the D.tube page. In order to get a player on Steemit, you simply put the URL that is after the "href" above, like so:


Here is what happens when I do that:

Hopefully this helps someone else who encountered this problem.

Until next time,


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