In this video, Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange gives you the latest breaking news on North Korea with Donald Trump's reaction and most important the bigger geo political moves made by China and Russia.

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Welcome back, beautiful and amazing human beings!

The climate of US/ North Korea relations seems to be rapidly heating up.

I wanted to go into the latest news on North Korea, and also but also get into some of the propaganda and misinformation, the larger geopolitical implications for the United States if it attacked North Korea.

And also how Russia and China are standing in the way of that- which may not only soon cause an economic war but even a bigger war than just with North Korea.

We just learned that North Korea has just tested its most powerful nuclear bomb yet.



An advanced hydrogen bomb that could be attached to an intercontinental ballistic missile, whose recent tests sent tremors all across the region is ten times stronger than last year's tests. This latest nuclear test was so powerful that it reportedly shook buildings in Russia and China.


It has also been said to have caused the effect of a magnitude 6.3 earthquake.


Many people speculate could be used as a super powerful EMP against the United States.


Now this is a very extremely aggressive move by North Korea that directly defies the United States and Donald Trump


and has garnered international condemnation even by fellow countries like China and Russia.


There has been a lot of disinformation and propaganda on the US mainstream media regarding North Korea, and it's critical for us to understand both sides of the story. Here the majority of the mainstream media supposed military experts and analysis do work for the military industrial complex and military contractors that profit from war!

There's an obvious agenda here, and we have seen many blatant lies told by the US mainstream media to demonize North Korea that are blatantly untrue.

One of the complete lies the MSM has pushed out and has used to demonize North Korea, was the news report that supposedly Kim Jong-un made it a law that everyone has to have their hair cut. We've seen that news reported all over the US mainstream media. This story was uncovered by the fascinating documentary called The Haircut. Link for the video is at the bottom of the article.

8-kim jong un shows off new power haircut.jpg

The haircut dis-info came from one news source who got it from an anonymous source. The whole story was fabricated and pushed by a supposed private non-profit international broadcasting corporation, called the Radio Free Asia, which the CIA started surprise surprise.

Just off this one news organization with their one anonymous source, they ran the headlines all across the country. It's not just about haircuts in North Korea; the CIA funded news organizations also ran headlines that North Korea banned sarcasm and that 120 hungry dogs killed Kim Jong-un's uncle. The list goes on and on.


Now it's important to note here the United States has tested 1,032 nuclear weapons at a crazy cost not only to the environment but also to U.S. citizens.


North Korea looks like a prime country for the United States to invade as the country reportedly has an estimated six trillion dollars in mineral resources,


The nation also doesn't have a central bank like many countries the United States invaded before,


and they have a very young unstable leader in his early 30s who of course is very unpredictable and rash with his actions.


Whether you are for or against North Korea, it is not a black and white issue. All I can do is try and explain the situation as honestly as I can and explain this very convoluted mess. This big international quagmire doesn't just involve the United States but mainly China and Russia.

We've seen former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, who by the way helped start a war based on imaginary weapons of mass destructions in Iraq that killed around a million people!


She is coming out of the woodwork saying that Donald has a right to threaten China over North Korea.


It's not just old neo conservatives pushing this next war with North Korea; it's also the mainstream media that praises Donald Trump. It gives them a ratings boost every time he commits a firm military action.


Donald Trump has come out, after these latest nuclear test by North Korea, and he has said quote that appeasement would not work.


Of course, he's issuing very harsh statements about this, but those statements cannot be met with action mainly because of China and also because of the grave implications if he would act on those threats.

There's no successful way the United States could launch a limited attack on NK, because the North Koreans could strike back, risking not only 30,000 US troops but also 25 million people who live very close to North Korea in Seoul South Korea.


With many artillery bases on the border of North and South Korea, the situation would be disastrous if there was only a limited strike on North Korea. The second factor here is China which is even more of a dangerous situation that the United States is putting itself in. Donald Trump tweeted today that the United States is considering stopping all trade with any country doing business with North Korea.


He is specifically talking about Russia and China, which many people claim according to rogue agents and go-betweens in that country, help fund North Korea's nuclear program.


With Donald Trump threatening to stop all trade with these countries, there is an all-out trade war with China, which has been brewing for a very long time with the deteriorating bilateral diplomatic efforts, and failing to work on an agreement with North Korea. This possible trade war would be disastrous for both countries.


One of the reasons why China has been so steadfast in avoiding a US invasion of North Korea is because of the Chinese view North Korea as a buffer state. The Chinese and Americans have already been butting heads over the manmade South Asian Sea Chinese military bases.

If North Korea falls, they do not want to see a united Korea that has a powerful alliance with the United States right at its border. Russia also has very similar geopolitical aspirations, and we've seen Russia and China work together to protect these political interests.


They have done so with very significant military moves. Russia and China have mobilized military units and not only surround the US military in the region but also actively monitor them. These actions are only escalating as Vladimir Putin the President of Russia just sent bombers over the Korean Peninsula.


China has also launched war games as a warning to the United States over previous confrontations and their message is obvious, they do not want a war in North Korea.


Just days ago issued a statement calling for a mutual freeze on North Korea's nuclear program, and the joint U.S. South Korean military maneuvers in the region. China has intervened many times concerning North Korea and the United States and has even offered a deal which the United States keeps declining.


A deal which would stop North Korea's nuclear program only if the United States and South Korea stop doing military drills in the region, practicing bombing campaigns of North Korea. The North Koreans have agreed to this deal, but it is the United States which keeps declining it.

Donald Trump personally said no to this deal two times, and it could be due to the lack of trust that the United States has with the Chinese. However, it is clear that if these military drills continue the situation will only deteriorate.


Two wrongs don't make a right, but there is a bigger picture. One that a lot of people are missing. The fact that this conflict is not just one-sided and that there's very little hope that Kim Jong-un will ever get rid of his nuclear program is absent from the government sponsored and often government-created MSM.

The lessons learned from Muammar Gaddafi and Saddam Hussein create a very uncomfortable situation for the United States. This continual face-off against China and Russia has also happened with Iran and Syria, and the Chinese and Russians have aligned themselves with Iran.


The economic wars that continue to be waged around the world against the U.S. petrodollar hegemony and more specifically the moves that China and Russia have been making with their gold, and currencies make it clear that this situation is a lot bigger than just the U.S. versus the North Koreans.


Hopefully, with the clear facts, we can understand the larger strategic picture of what's happening and prevent any rash actions!

The Haircut documentary -

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