My Steem Vision

Welcome to my new blog! A little over a week ago I put out a post asking -

What Is YOUR Vison For Steem

With the goal of trying to come up with a cohesive and coherent "vision" that encompasses what Steem is. Then we can use that to market Steem to the outside world.

This is a video of My Vision For Steem.

What is Steem? What is the goal? What is our vision?

Steem is interesting because it has so many possibilities that actually explaining it to others is a bit tough. How can we market to the outside world if we don't even know what we are?

After a discussion with @whatsup, as well as many good talks over the last few weeks about marketing, pr and just the lack of Steem's visual presence in the Crypto world, I think maybe it's time to change that.. and who better to do that than the strong community here that sets us so apart from the rest?

But we need to know what we are first.

@Whatsup had a great point, and something she had personal experience with in her career in the business industry.

First you find out what others think you are. Then you add in what you want to be... What you want to remove and then you adopt that as your vision. It sounds simple. But it defines who you are and where you go. You can't talk about or promote something if you don't know what it is.

We need a clear, cohesive vision and then we can go tell the world.

We Need A Vision

We need to collect what we all think Steem is and find the overlap, the common ground. Then we compare and decide how to compile that into a simple to understand vision statement that can be used to showcase Steem.

A Vision Statement describes the desired future position of the company. It is basically the ultimate goal of what they'd like to accomplish.

Many have already gotten involved in the initiative to share what their Vision for Steem is -

As well as many individuals discussing what their vision is in This Post

Haven't made one yet? Go for it! We want to hear from as many community members as possible.

What is YOUR Vision for Steem?

  • What is it?
  • What does it do?
  • What is the goal?
  • What does it have to offer?
  • What is it to you?

Make a post and use the tag #steemvision

Much Love and Steem On,


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