DTube - US THREATENS CHINA! - "We WILL Cut You Off From Dollar!"

Here's another one of my recent reports for DTube! :)
See the original article below:

Josh Sigurdson talks with author and economic analyst John Sneisen about the recent threats from Treasury Secretary Mnuchin that the US will "cut China off" from the US dollar.
This threat is meant to force China to uphold North Korean sanctions, but with the excuse aside, it's the perfect storm for China and the international order.
As the IMF talks about moving to Beijing, China in the next few years, China is leading the world in their technocratic agenda towards a cashless society which is to be implemented into the SDR creating a global cashless society.
The power shift to China is enormous and this recent development is a perfect situation for the global order. It's exactly what China wants and exactly what the US establishment wants. This also echoes the sentiments of UN Secretary to Trump, Nikki Haley.
Let's not forget that countless countries have done currency swaps away from the USD in recent years. This isn't new. The fact is, the world reserve currency, the USD is ready to crash to the ground and that's going to bring the global fiat empire down. The establishment is desperate to move towards their centrally planned cashless society before this happens as they know this will lead to a revolt.
As the Fed attempts to raise interest rates high enough to drop them out when the dollar crashes in order to save the currency, they cannot do it enough and it will lead to negative interest rates. This will be the end as we know it of the Fed's fiat IOU. But if the global establishment can bring upon a global centrally planned cashless society, it will become quite simple to control the entire populace with debt and surveillance.
If your money's in the bank, it's not yours, it's the bank's. If your money is always going through the bank via legal tender laws, central planning and digital transactions, you never hold it, it's ALWAYS the bank's and it's NEVER yours! They can track everything you do and ensure that any remnants of a free market is reduced to dust.
We cannot allow this agenda to be fulfilled!

Stay tuned as we continue to break this incredibly important issue down! Don't forget to Upvote & Follow!

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