Responding To a (fellow) Skeptic

Skepticism Is Healthy

Hey everyone

My friend and I were about to do battle in a heated debate after I told him about Steemit. He is a naturally skeptical guy so I enjoy filtering ideas through him in the hopes he'll snag a bug. I wont reveal his name, but the really cool thing is he has given me permission to use some of the text he sent me. You can find it in the quote below.

Unfortunately I had many errands to run, so many that I couldn't respond to the wall of text he was besieging my phone with. Buzz after buzz, again and again. More slabs of text slamming my DMs that I couldn't respond to. For a person like me that's close to torture. I love a good debate, especially against an old and worthy foe.

So I was stuck, for hours - totally wordless. I had not defended my position at all, he was basically sacking my base while all the guards were out to play. I felt exposed. So when I got the chance to respond I decided to do it through video because why the hell not?

I hope you enjoy! Please remember this is my first response video and my second time recording this. The original was 20 minutes long I had to re-record it.

Oh, and I'm in my spare room this time, not the lobby. (way too much echo)

If you enjoyed please upvote, please leave your opinions down below!

Quickly as to why I like a skeptic, even though it can be a harmful experience.

I like a skeptic because, on occasion, it is all too easy to invest too much emotion into something that we shouldn't. When that truth gets revealed to us it can be a very raw and unpleasant experience. This becomes much easier to get over if the person is nice and respectful, and learning and growing is achieved sooner.

I met a person on the now dead social crypto app called 'Rize' (developed by YouNow) who told me about how she took a second mortgage out on her house in order to buy Ethereum and Bitcoin when it was at its all time peak in late 2017.

Sometimes skeptics can save you from making horrendously bad choices. Sometimes you just make the mistakes anyway and 'eff' the haters, I guess.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy the video. Simon.

Original Text

_People in online communities keep making these interaction through cryptocurrency apps or interaction through some form of whatever apps... and they like always just kind of disappear slowly or a new one comes along

I mean there's lots of reasons I pretty much all the people I know the stem and communication think these things might have a place but that a lot of people platforms are going to be going strong for a long long time and that they'll never really disappear entirely in the foreseeable future. People have been trying to take down these platforms forever. And stuff like that isn't really new I mean it's getting more traction now but I've done this multiple times already in the past. And not everyone wants to get on board. Whether it be for convenience reasons in terms of how it functions or getting on board for an extremely unstable currency. And I get that anyone could argue that our money without anything to Value it is also an extremely unstable currency but I would argue that at this point in time we do have something about you in that would be gas and oil.

But hey I mean we could all be wrong and get hit by some undetected meteor and go back to the Dark Ages in like a week for all I know

I don't know everything and I can't tell the future and I'm just stating an opinion

I also think while there may be a huge system in place entire communication platform with built-in Monetary Exchange simply given because you communicate is a horrible idea. I feel it devalues the effort that goes into these other platforms whether people agree with what someone is doing on them or not. That these other people are creating some form of media that they have to have them create a demand for in order to get paid. If everyone gets paid just for talking about anything because someone liked what they're talking about even though the content is just a generic popular conversation it devalues anyone who wants to pursue something creative.

These people are already being told what they do isn't a career and being made fun of and being told this or that, and yet they spend hours and hours making videos and editing videos in some cases. And I think lots of them will band together to not go down that road after being basically put into a box for a long time. I don't think they'd be happy with having people say that to them forever and then just someone posting anything and being able to make as much money as they do. And even if they are I feel that would create a supreme drop in quality of product. Either from the ease of which they can now make money or because anyone can make money with minimal effort so long as they garnered attention(and it feels like they don't even have to hold that attention)

Even with a system in place making you have to be there for an extensive time before you make money it still feels like these platforms are basically saying hey get the attention get the likes however briefly congratulations you have made money. I feel it encourages media practices and less quality control in a way that people wouldn't actually maintain interest. Now maybe in some cases this is a very extreme statement to make but I still believe it holds some water.

Beyond that I believe our money still has some sort of balancing value even if no one else does. I still stand by that there is an unspoken energy standard. Be it fuels electric or whatever... I feel that it is the biggest economic driving factor along with probably some other minor things that at least create some stability. And even if it didn't, cryptocurrency still has a long way to go to be accepted by The World At Large. Is it getting a place? Hell yeah end of story. I'm not saying it's going to have some immediate or violent collapse anytime soon.

I am saying cryptocurrency is still this unstable alien animal to a lot of people and even if it wasn't a lot of people do want the government in their finances. And not just in a tax cryptocurrency way. There are entire party is devoted to ideologies saying the government should control a lot of the economy and the currency that we use in it. That's not going to go away either. These government arguments particularly these particular government arguments are arguments that are pretty fucking old. And I don't think they're going to be entirely gone in our lifetime unless we manage to achieve some kind of Enlightenment reaching a utopian agreement.

There are other issues too but I feel they all fall under one of these umbrellas just are far more detailed or subsections of what I've already been talking about

But even if it did succeed I feel we'd see a supreme drop in the quality of content that we get from social media platforms.

At least for someone such as myself who watches a lot of independent content creators

I don't think it's going to kill twitch or YouTube. And if it does it's not going to do it anytime soon, and it's probably not going to be steem. Will probably see the rise and fall of many other of these types of platforms and then one big will come along. But I still don't think it's going to kill those particular platforms. Or in general I don't think it's going to kill those types of traditional platforms.

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, blog sites and stuff like that? They will probably die

And we'll see a drop in the quality of stuff people might put on those but people don't really use those for Quality independent content

But everyone's going to want to make money to post about how shity their day was

Except grandma

Because she doesn't want to mess with this newfangled crap_

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