Introducing MODULAR ACROSS AMERICA! Ep. 01: Greensboro NC

Greetings, salutations and an enthusiastic welcome to my new series MODULAR ACROSS AMERICA. For the next three weeks, I'll be on tour across America. What better way to document my journey than by composing and documenting a self contained patch for each location, informed by whatever environment I'm shooting in. To accomplish this, I spent the last two days before tour gutting the unnecessarily nice case my SE Electronics overheads came in and installing rack rails for a travel modular system. Despite a severe lack of woodworking skills, I'm pretty happy with how it came out.

As far as this video specifically goes, it was shot adjacent to a huge solar power field that I hope would make more of an appearance in the shot, but the super sweet bokeh on my GX85 comes at a price and said solar panels are a bit difficult to make out. Regardless, it was a pretty spectacularly North Carolina-y environment to shoot in, and I think my simple patch sounds pretty damn appropriate for scoring a giant array of fancy technology out in the middle of woodland nowhere. I'm using the Malekko Varigate 8 and Voltage Block as the only source of sequencing and getting some good work done with Plaits for the plucks and my always-on-the-ready Mangrove for the low drone. I'm getting a third melodic element for free by sending another sequence to the pitch shifting control on the Clouds, which is creating much of the ominous "Solar Panelesque" pitch warble. At the very least, it sounds solar panelesque to me.

Next stop Baltimore. Something tells me blissed out ambient will -not- be the flavor of the day, but we shall see!


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