Finding Success With Our Efforts on Social Media - How Do We Stand Out From The Crowd?

Being new to both Dtube and STeemit myself, I can wholeheartedly identify with many of the frustrations that other new users here share. Often people feel discouraged by all the noise on platforms like these, and feel its hard to stand out on their own. But, I've learned from my own experience over the last 6 years of building audiences on social media that anyone can have an influence, build an audience, and define their authority in a given subject matter.

While platforms like Steemit and DTube are remarkably different that traditional social platforms, the principals of social networking still remain the same. Often people make the mistake of broadcasting, dumping posts out, while never bothering to engage, essentially ignoring the entire underlying purpose of social media to begin with, which is to "Socialize" with others.

No doubt, there is quite a bit of noise on social platforms like DTube and STeemit, just as there are in the cases of traditional social platforms as well; but focusing on your underlying purpose and working to build an audiences for that purpose is what can truly set us apart from all the noise we see on the social web.

Here's a recent article I wrote that better explains some of the points I made here: The Art of Social Networking Explained:

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