Dtube Exclusive Eye of Hurricane Irma video clip

This short clip is an exclusive Dtube special edition, capturing scenes of Hurricane Irma as it totally destroyed St Maarten/St Martin...This clip captures scenes occurring during the Eye of Hurricane Irma...If you read through my blog https://steemit.com/hurricane/@daudimitch/letting-everyone-know-i-am-safe-and-alive-from-hurricane-irma-st-maarten-st-martin, these are scenes captured while we moved to the second floor of the apartment complex.....More video clips to come, only available on Dtube/ Steemit family...

Once I get my tablet up and running, I would continue to share much more clips with you...Your upvote and support here would be greatly appreciated, please check out my following Steemit post as I share pictures of my experience

Thanks once again for your support

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