House Hunters International test film

Hallo dear human!

This is the test film for a famous American TV show that we did back in 2012 originally, and then a follow-up story in 2013 (which this short film is for)... I created this video with a lovely friend, Rebecca, who had come to stay, after having seen the first show. :-D

I'd been in the house for a year and a half already, working with literally zero budget to fix the house up, whilst learning Italian from scratch, and busting a gut trying to get on my feet as an artist in a new country!

The first airing of our first episodein August 2012 brought a flood of interest from north America, and very soon after there were flights being booked -viewers of the show were heading here and find their own home in Guardia Sanframondi's mostly-abandoned medieval quarter.

It was a pretty crazy time, when the first ever show aired, featuring the story of how I'd come from Scotland and bought a house for €10K, seeking La Dolce Vita... There was a kind of a gold-rush effect, with tons of folks piling in and bringing their drama, and locals vying to profit from selling the abandoned properties...

The town is very unusual, in that it is currently filming the FIFTH famous house-hunting TV show featuring houses in our old town(!)

We now have around 200 houses sold to foreigners from all around the world, and a healthy community is stabilising here... Mostly, the over-excitement from the first wave of foreigners has calmed, and there's a nice steady drip of new people buying houses and settling here. The show still replays occasionally, and brings in messages and stories from around the world...

In 2019 we're the European City Of Wine also, so it's a year of celebration and cultural exchange, and lots of new folks coming to town...

Happy day to you all,

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