GOT Theory: Drogo is Back! Ice Age due to Earth Pole Shift & Sun Rises West!



Since the death of Drogo, there is a theory pumping in my head.


Indeed, this theory came about when Daenerys took on a ritual to bring Drogo back from the dead.

Guys, do you remember that?

The directors of the show have invested a lot of time and effort into that telling. Even developing the character of witch that proposed the ritual.

Daenerys followed all the Witch's recipe, only to get a final and mysterious statement from the Witch saying that.

Drogo will come back from the dead "When the sun rises in the West and sets in the East."

At that time, Daenerys got sad and angry. And it was almost 100% clear that Drogo was gone forever.

The sun will never rise from the West.

Well... Wait a minute.

Ask yourself, where does this atypical winter is coming from?

Is it only due to the Frozen Dead walking south?

I don't think so.

The entire thing could have been triggered by a Polar Shift!

An Ice Age is underway! Earth Poles are shifting.

This is bringing up the harsh winter, as the Ice Age event manifests. Actually, this might also have triggered the Dead marching south.

By the way, why did they choose this specific time in history to march South, if the Winter Lord was created ages ago?

Remember: It is the only opportunity they might have to do that.

Polar shift

Keep in mind: The "Long Night" is actually the name of the legendary "Winter" that lasted "One Generation".

That happened 8.000 years back, when the White Walkers last descended to Westeros. At that time, they were driven back by the dawn.

** (On our real Earth, the last Ice Age happened 20.000 years ago, and some scientist associate it with... Guess What... "Polar Shift Event"! ) **

Long Winter ~ Ice Age. Sunrises from West.

Drogo will be back! Hopefully followed by a decisive army. Game-Changer!

** That is Coming! **

Since that time of ritual...

Since the ritual, and the mysterious phrase spoken by the witch

Another piece of evidence was bugging me. It is related to the opening scenes.

There is always this image of the Sun, within rotating rings. The rings are shifting, and that is why, since that witch speech, I got the filling that there will be a Polar Shift, and Drogo would be back at some point.

When? (spoiler alert - don't ready before S08E03)

Now we are at S08E03.

The White Walkers just arrived at Winterfell. Cersei was not there to help.

Where is Cersei Lannister? Before, E03, I got myself thinking that maybe, just maybe, she would come to Winterfell. She would wait for the dead vs. living battle to get chaotic, and maybe show up triumphal as a hero, helping to settle the fight to a total win for the living...

But no.

Cersei played the bad girl. She stayed home waiting for her battle. Against dead or living. It seems that this doesn't matter at all for her. So, she is pretty confident about her powerful army.

It seems the living North will march against Cersei. But how? We got almost all the Northern manpower dead by now.

Remember: Poles shift. Sunrises West & Drogo will be back!

It is a total rescue coming in!

Daenerys just have her man back, bringing up the gorgeous possibility of a true fairy-tale-happy-ending.

Check out the Trailer to E04: Dany looks up in joy... Why?

Now, if we (the North) win the battle. Some northern guy/girl will have the iron throne to Rule Them All!


This way, there would be no tension between the 7Kingdoms King and the North (as highlighted by Sansa previously).

And that is it, guys. A beautiful ending theory.

Let's try this out! bb


She is my favorite! What about you?


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