Mgnovenia/ Moments /Joseph Kobzon cover/

I covered the song "Mgnovenia" /"Moments" / composed by Mikael Leonovich Tariverdiev for the Soviet TV series Seventeen Moments of Spring (1973). The series is considered the most successful Soviet espionage thriller ever made, and is one of the most popular television series in Soviet history.

"Mgnovenia" was originally performed by singer Joseph Kobzon. This song was a huge hit in the USSR and the Eastern bloc, Kobzon was often called "the Russian Frank Sinatra" and after this breakthrough track had a long and successful creer.

I tried to sing it in my own style, please let me know if you like it.

A link for those who can`t listen to dsound:

English translation:


Don't take the moments easy, they have weight,
The run of time makes you admit it fairly:
Like bullets they decide somebody's fate,
So rapidly, so rapidly, so rapidly.

The moments are compressed into years,
The moments are compressed into centuries,
And you can't ever stop the moments here
To separate the good from bad eventually.

Each moment has its true and only place,
Its own bells, its own piece of verity,
The moments bring somebody a disgrace,
Somebody can obtain an immortality.

A rain is falling from the low sky,
Its little drops are constituting everything,
Sometimes you have to wait the whole life
To meet the biggest moment of your destiny.

It has to come as true as evening breeze,
An evening breeze that blows after summer day,
The moments tell us what the duty is,
Obliging to remember it in any way.

Don't take the moments easy, they have weight,
The run of time makes you admit it fairly:
Like bullets they decide somebody's fate,
So rapidly, so rapidly, so rapidly.

Original lyrics in Russian:

Не думай о секундах свысока,
Наступит время - сам поймешь, наверное:
Свистят они, как пули у виска,
Мгновения, мгновения, мгновения...

Мгновения спрессованы в года,
Мгновения спрессованы в столетья...
И я не понимаю иногда,
Где первое мгновенье, где последнее...

У каждого мгновенья свой резон,
Свои колокола, своя отметина.
Мгновенья раздают кому позор,
Кому бесславье, а кому бессмертие!

Из крохотных мгновений соткан дождь,
Течет с небес вода обыкновенная,
И ты, порой, почти полжизни ждешь,
Когда оно придет, твое мгновение...

Придет оно, большое, как глоток,
Глоток воды во время зноя летнего...
А в общем, надо просто помнить долг
От первого мгновенья до последнего...

Не думай о секундах свысока,
Наступит время - сам поймешь, наверное:
Свистят они, как пули у виска,
Мгновения, мгновения, мгновения...

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