Deep North...

And the roll of relistening to productions from my vault and doing the writeups to accompany their sharing on dSound continues...

Who would've thought it'd be such an emotional journey.

This one... man.

I'd originally withheld posting it, because it was "incomplete."

The production had been completed. (Though coulda used a few tweaks, if were to be professionally release... a couple off-notes, snaps too loud, more little details that only a seasoned producer/engineer would notice). However, the work calls for a vocalist (that never arrived)...

Listen to Rok Sivante's "Deep North" on dSound

It's funny, how fast a person can produce a work, only to leave it to the wayside - coming back years later to realize just how good it was, feeling a sense of incompleteness at having not pushed it just a little further to the actualization of its success.

Yet, that's how life goes sometimes.

I wasn't a full-time producer.

I wasn't working with other artists. I didn't have the full vision for the lyrics and who could sing it to its highest potential. It wasn't time.

Listening back now, though... it's such a mixed bag of emotions.

On one hand, I had never put it out, because even if I could have found a female vocalist to do it justice - the track itself wasn't even really of the calibre, or of the style I wanted to be associated with. It was an experimental work, done in-the-moment, though not really something I wanted to put out into the world with my name on it. Weird reasoning, maybe.

On the other hand, it's undoubtedly great quality, and there's an emotional depth & richness to it, that I feel it's almost a crime to have abandoned so prematurely and not pushed that bit further to put it out as a completed work that could have been enjoyed to the fullest by a broader audience.

Yet, upon such reflection - these are the types of reasons why I've felt blockchain technology may be such an amazing tool for musicians and producers.

Because there are bound to come platforms upon which creative collaboration is made far easier - where works can be shared, smart contracts streamlining licensing complexities, legit remixes made possible simply and quickly.

The music biz has been incredible complex and difficult.

Well-designed apps utilizing smart contracts could change alot, building alot of bridges to create opportunities for both producers and artists to connect and collaborate, with simplified systems for licensing, rights management, and so forth.

An aside, perhaps.

Or perhaps I just never pushed it because I really didn't want it that bad.

Blah blah blah.

Without further ado...

I leave you this half-completed deep house instrumental for your listening pleasure.

May you find beauty in its emotional depths, a soothing warmth in its rhythms, and touching soul in its melodies.


Listen to Rok Sivante's "Deep North" on dSound

music dsound house deephouse production

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