Social Justice Is A Joke (Feelings Aren't Facts)

SJW's get destroyed. Lyrics. Social Justice is a joke. Your feelings aren't facts.


I dedicate this to Bruce Jenner and Rose McGowan

Feelings aren’t facts
Feelings aren’t facts
You’re feelings aren’t facts
You’re feelings aren’t facts

All these nut jobs telling kids that they can pick a gender
turn a Brad to a Brenda

hormone blocking on a child is a mother fucking crime
the whole planets lost it’s man

Science and facts they label it as hate speech
you need stats when you debate me

I’m the odd man out cause I want to raise a family
but its okay to be a tranny

It’s how I feeling on the inside, just confusion
nothing more than a delusion

Bruce Jenner cuts his nuts off, we all stand and cheer
Really woman of the year?

Nothing but protest and marches a country in a slump
but you can’t figure out how you ended up with Trump

everybody on the left playing victim
well i guess you kinda picked him

Social Justice is a joke
Social Justice is a joke
Social Justice is a joke
Social Justice is a joke

used to be feminist, now theres feminazis
equality is sloppy

disagree with a woman and they label you a sexist
the is dealing with the leftist

men be careful, even normal situations aren’t a safe space
a bad date becomes a rape case

the cuffs click, ain’t no time for you to save face
Lose your job the very same day

me too, times up, they ain’t nothing but a witch hunt
Rose McGowan your a slick one

Pics of you hugging Harvey and they’re all over the net
You can’t suck a dick, call it rape when it’s regret

I will not subscribe to your rape culture
I will not subscribe to your hashtag movement
I will not subscribe to this fourth wave feminist bullshit
I will not subscribe to be a victim

It’s okay to be a man
it’s still okay
It’s okay to be a man
it’s still okay


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