How Do We Live to 150 Years in Perfect Health? #186

How Do We Live to 150 Years in Perfect Health?

I'm discovering the power of asking how to live a longer and happier life because the answers I get are then little steps I can take today in order to start realizing fantastic health results that I wouldn't have even thought were possible just looking around and saying, "Well, I'm going to live 70 or 80 years maybe like the people around me."

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How Do We Live to 150 Years in Perfect Health? #186

According to the data our lives in terms of quality, at least in the USA, are actually getting shorter. We are living sicker lives, full of more diseases and health problems that last a little bit longer than those before us. We could argue that our health is progressively getting worse.

How Do We Live to 150 Years in Perfect Health?

For me personally, I look now way better than I did 10 years ago. I'm grateful that I've started taking control of my own questions I ask and my own expectations, because while there are a lot of things I can't control, one of the things I can control is the intention I set for my life.

When I ask, "How do we live to a hundred and fifty years old in perfect health?" I'm setting an intention. I'm saying, "Look, this is what I intend to do. Life, universe, God shows me how to do that."

Asking questions is something we have a right to do. Any of us can ask any question we want to, and the questions we ask tend to determine what answers we get. I've found that as I continue to ask, "How do I live to 150 years old in perfect health?" I've gotten some amazing answers that I wouldn't have suspected just by going around and setting a lower expectation.

I see that if I want to live 150 years old I need to focus completely on prevention and life style. Prevention and lifestyle are the only practical options for living 150 years because I don't want to be getting a whole bunch of cancers, heart diseases and problems if I'm 60 or 70 years old, when I'm intending to live to 150.

Here's one of the amazing answers I've received for "How do I live to 150 years old in perfect health?"

Right in my backyard here I've started a garden. Now, this is not something that even three or four months ago I would have ever figured I would have done.

How Do We Live to 150 Years in Perfect Health?

This has been one of the answers I've received in to "How do we live 150 years in perfect health?"

One of the big answers is to have a garden because like a breast-feeding mother where the body customizes the milk to exactly what the child needs based on what the mother eats, when we grow a garden the plants in our garden customize what they produce to what our bodies need, especially when we're there to physically touch them, breathe on them, we're literally telling the plants at a body to body level what we need, and the plants then are able to give exactly that to us.

For example, if we're a little short in iron, plants can produce radically different levels of iron according to the book "Whole," which says that for example, a peach even though on the label it might say a certain amount of vitamin C, the amount of vitamin C between or among peaches can vary as much as 40 times.

That's the power of having our own garden. When we start setting these expectations and intentions out to the universe, it doesn't mean that they necessarily will happen, it means though that we get the benefits immediately.

When we ask, "How do we live to 200 years old in perfect health?" we start seeing concrete things we can do today. A garden is one of those concrete things. Another one of those concrete things for me is eating a whole plant-based diet.

When I ask the universe to show me how to live to 150 years old, one of the big answers that came through the book "How Not to Die" and "Whole," and through a bunch more things I've read and seen since then, including the official US government "My Plate" recommendations to eat fruits and vegetables for half of my diet.

Half of everything I eat are fruits and vegetables, and then most of the rest, things that are minimally processed, whole plant foods.

For example, having almonds is a whole plant food while almond milk is processed. That means a significant part of the nutrition has been stripped out from the original almond, therefore, less nutritious.

How Do We Live to 150 Years in Perfect Health?

When I ask, "How do we live to 150 years old in perfect health?" eating a diet with mostly whole fruits, vegetables and other plants is one of those big answers that come up.

According to the book "How Not to Die" we can expect to prevent all of the top 15 causes of death, every single one, by eating a whole plant-based diet.

Now, that provides a very good concrete step for how to live to 150 years old. It's not that we grow old and have to die, in fact it's that a lot of the things we do damage our bodies.

A lot of the things we eat cause us to age through DNA errors, through eating things that don't give our body what it needs, through poisoning our body, we age our bodies.

It's possible, according to the Bible, for these bodies or ones very similar to live to a thousand years old nearly. We see in the Old Testament frequently, I don't know if it was Joseph, Jacob or Israel, but I think he lived to 120 or so years old, and that was thousands of years ago.

Now, if someone thousands of years ago in the Bible can live to 120, isn't it reasonable for me to set an expectation today that I should be able to live to 150 years old with our modern medicine and all the things we know in nearly perfect health?

The only question is, how exactly do I take steps today to make that a reality?

What I've hoped I've shared here today is the power of asking questions that set an intention.

The question sets the intention, "How do we live for 150 years in perfect health?" and then the answers we get give us concrete steps to take today: plant a garden, eat whole plant, fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains perhaps and beans.

There we go.

Those are huge concrete steps that allow me to prevent the top 15 causes of death, that allow me to get all the nutrients my body needs directly out of plants, and then that goes into lifestyle after that.

A lifestyle where I spend most of my time with my friends and my family, where I'm not stressed out all day all the time, where I'm giving back and contributing.

I wouldn't want to live 150 years doing some job I hated. I wouldn't want to live a 150 years being all miserable and frustrated, and hoping the future would be better.

How Do We Live to 150 Years in Perfect Health?

You see when I intend to live 150 years, the lifestyle I need is also presented with that. I've prayed this, I asked, "How may I help today?" and this exact idea is what came up.

Thank you for allowing me to share this with you.

I hope it's helpful.

I appreciate you joining me here on day 186 of Happier People Podcast.

I love you.

You're awesome and I'll see you again soon for 120 more years.

Final words

Thank you for reading the second part of the interview, which was originally filmed as the video below.

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Jerry Banfield with edits by @gmichelbkk on the transcript from @deniskj

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