There's Something Wired Wrong In Me // My Original Song Remix

I've fallen into the deep, dark pit of despair again.
There's something wired wrong in me.

I came home from work last night, opened up my hackmd, and wrote that.

It reminded me of my song Energy.

I was going to write about my feelings, but I decided that I needed the catharsis of creative energy instead.

I haven't actually worked on music in months.
I've been having a difficult time balancing everything I want/need to do and my own music has suffered for it.

I decided to create a version of Energy that represented how I was feeling.

The original production is a bit heavy with distorted guitars and drums dominating the mix.

For this mix I only used the vocal, piano, and synth stems.
I took the piano part that happens at the end of the song and used it throughout the verses which creates a droning, ostinato effect.
I eliminated the first chorus as well as all post-choruses.
The song format is now similar to my song, Descend.... verse, verse, chorus, outro.
I used the final post-chorus piano part for the chorus in this version.
I had to pitch shift one of my vocal syllables down by a half step to make it work.
Then I created a string and synth bass part for the last chorus to bring back some of the low end.

This mix isn't as good as the original, but I prefer this more spacious production.

I had fun doing this! I may create this type of remix for all my heavy guitar-oriented​ songs.

I forgot how meditative working on music can be.
I got lost in what I was doing for about 6 hours and didn't go to sleep until 3 AM!

And the most important thing to me is how healing it was.
Before I decided to work on this last night I was feeling very low, but as I was working on it I felt energized, content, and fulfilled.

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