Learn Portuguese with Cris #27

Hello guys!

I'm @crissimoes and this is my twenty seventh post here on @dsound! Are you ready for another class?

Today I will teach you how to say the Countries and Nationalities in Portuguese.

So first I will teach you how to ask the nationality and the country from where the other person is:

  • Formal - De onde você é?
  • Informal - De onde és?

And you answer:

  • Sou de...and then you say the country, for example:

  • Sou de Portugal.

  • Formal - Qual é a sua nacionalidade?

  • Informal - Qual é a tua nacionalidade?

And you answer:

  • Sou…and then you say your nationality
  • Sou português(a)

Now let’s check some countries and respectively nationalities in masculine and feminine form:

Portugal (Portugal)

  • Português – Masculine Form
  • Portuguesa – Feminine Form

Espanha (Spain)

  • Espanhol – Masculine Form
  • Espanhola – Feminine Form

Inglaterra (England)

  • Inglês – Masculine Form
  • Inglesa – Feminine Form

Irlanda (Ireland)

  • Irlandês – Masculine Form
  • Irlandesa – Feminine Form

França (France)

  • Francês – Masculine Form
  • Francesa – Feminine Form

Itália (Italy)

  • Italiano – Masculine Form
  • Italiana – Feminine Form

Alemanhã (Germany)

  • Alemão – Masculine Form
  • Alemã – Feminine Form

Grécia (Greece)

  • Grego – Masculine Form
  • Grega – Feminine Form

Bélgica (Belgium)

  • Belga – Same for both forms

Suíça (Switzerland)

  • Suiço – Masculine Form
  • Suíça – Feminine Form

Áustria (Austria)

  • Austríaca – Masculine Form
  • Austríaca – Feminine Form

Croácia (Croatia)

  • Croata – same for both forms

Dinamarca (Denmark)

  • Dinamarquês – Masculine Form
  • Dinamarquesa – Feminine Form

Suécia (Sweden)

  • Sueco – Masculine Form
  • Sueca – Feminine Form

Finlândia (Finland)

  • Finlandês – Masculine Form
  • Finlandesa – Feminine Form

Noruega (Norway)

  • Norueguês – Masculine Form
  • Norueguesa – Feminine Form

Hungria (Hungary)

  • Húngaro – Masculine Form
  • Húngara – Feminine Form

In portuguese the verb “ser” is used to refer to the place a person is from, for example:

  • Eu sou de Itália. – I’m from Italy.
  • Ele é de França. – He is from France.

And the verb “estar” is used to refer to the place a person is located, for example:

  • Eu estou em Portugal. – I’m in Portugal.
  • A Ana está em Espanha. – Ana is in Spain.

We have come to the end of another Portuguese class.

If you have any question or you want other countries and nationalities translations please let me know in the comments bellow.

Hope you have enjoyed my twenty seventh post here on @dsound and I’m looking foward to see you next time!


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