miscarriage, meaning, catharsis - podcast 10 of Divine Feminine series


I felt strongly called to speak about this subject(s), after coming across an art book that I created in 2007 - Growth-Catharsis - and seeing it with fresh eyes, whilst currently trying to conceive.

The book project was a direct 'transcribing' of my experience at the time of miscarriage. Now, I have access to multiple forums where we are talking at length about womb-work, about womben's experiences, Life from womb-centred perspectives. At the time of my miscarriage, and more-so 10 yrs before (as I talk about in this podcast), there was no language around what was happening and what my 'choices' were.

In fact, in retrospect, it felt like the men in my life made the decision by default: the world was their privilege - their 'logic' held the sway in terms of what was 'allowed' to transpire, or not.

This is such a metaphor for the frictional polemic between patriarchy and the sacred feminine, and it makes me think strongly about the deep masculine - who likely would have turned up/ stuck around, if I'd demanded it and gone ahead with my pregnancies... and the toxic feminine, who submits inappropriately, backs down when the slightest resistance in met, and boils in resentment of 'what should've been'.

Seeing this complex entanglement of 4-cornered dynamic: sacred feminine 'vs' toxic masculine, crossed by deep masculine 'vs' toxic feminine, helps me see what our solution can be: the toxicity is essentially weakness or lack of maturity - it's operating from fear-tension-pain, rather than sovereignty-bliss-expansion - both are valid realities. Both need the positive aspects of each other, in order to move forward: both are trying in their own way to keep the world safe and working: one from tense controlling, the other from floppy passivity. Neither are 'better' than the other: this is about how we bring this divided quadrant into yin-yang harmony...

I hope that this podcast can be heard outwith any cultural and societal negative projections onto abortion and/ or womben's sovereignty in their mind-body-spirit. This open sharing is a gift to our collective womb consciousness, a calling to let go of our shared wounds and our frictional relationship between the yin and the yang of humanity.

The book mentioned will be shared on my Patreon (www.patreon.com/claregalloway) hopefully later today.

See my work via www.claregalloway.com

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