The beauty of God's blessing - Religion

The word "blessing" is a phrase that is very liked and wanted to be enjoyed by everyone. The word blessing in Hebrew is "berakah" which has some insight: prosperity, a power to live, liberal (abundant, free). in english is "blessing". In the Bible, the word of blessing is recorded 415 times. It is this word recorded in Deuteronomy 28. If God promises to bless Allah will make prosperous, powerful to live, to give abundance and liberation and it will be fulfilled.

Psalm 128: 1-6 is one of the pilgrimages performed at the time of the ascension to Jerusalem and various places for pilgrimage and worship on the three great Days according to the law (Deuteronomy 16:16) or the singing of priests as they climbed 15 steps up to serve in the Temple. The title of this chapter is "Blessing upon the household". The family is the first institution that God presents on earth to be a place where everything that is good and right starts from within the family. One of the attitudes that all believers must have and especially in a believer's family member is "Fear of the LORD".

If in the family there is no fear of God, then the family will be a field for the devil sowing evil seeds and it is time for the family to be ravaged by Satan. The Israelites are God's chosen people specifically commanded and warned by God to "hear and hold" what God has spoken to them and one of His promises is to "bless" those who hear and obey God's word.

In verse 1, the word of God reads: Blessed are all those who fear the Lord, who walk in his ways. It turns out that God's perspective is different from the human point of view. Often heard humans say be happy if you have wealth, money, connections, inheritance, and so on. But what the Bible says is if the person has a heart attitude "Fear of the LORD, who walk in his ways (Saleh) he is the happiest person on earth. Keep in mind that this promise of the word is promised specifically to a man (v. 4). Why is the man who is the receiving center of blessing and the source for the flow of blessings? In general, patriarchal culture is defined as a system characterized by men. In this system the man who has the power to determine, this condition is considered reasonable because it is associated with the division of labor based on sex. This patriarchal culture affects the conditions of relations between women and men which generally show a subordinate or whole relationship dominated by men. See 1 Cor 11: 3; 1 Tim 2: 12-13.

This is the reason a man or a husband is a priority of God to channel his blessing to his family. This section is very important to note. It is very different between people fear God with those who fear God. In (Exodus 20: 20-21), the Israelites once feared God because they saw that God was an angry person. But the word fear of God in use with the word "yirah" that is fear because of respect, amazed, fascinated. Thus the attitude of fear to God is very different from the attitude of the heart that truly fear God. Thanks to what will be received and channeled by a God-fearing man or husband:

  1. His work will be blessed (v. 2). One of the responsibilities of a husband is to work. By working he can provide for his wife and children. This is a form of responsibility done by a husband. Whatever business or work it does, God promises that it will be blessed and able to enjoy it.

  2. Your wife will be like a vine tree (v. 3a). The Biblical Vine is related to well-being. The wife will be the helper of the husband and please the heart of God and husband.

  3. Your children are like the olive tree buds around your table (v. 3b). The Olive tree is one of the most precious trees for the Israelites. A God-fearing father will have children of great weight, worth, and weight. Olive Pahon also has a strong endurance at its roots, can live in the dry season and if cut down will reappear new shoots.

  4. Enjoy the happiness of his life (v. 5)

  5. Given the longevity to see the blessed descendants of God (v. 6)


What a wonderful blessing God has for a family whose lives fear God (honoring God). There are many Christians who feel that by being diligent to the Church, being actively involved in Church activities, diligently serving in the Church, it shows that he is a God-fearing person. Whereas the characteristic of a living God-fearing person is the respect or honor of God by being the responsible head of the family by working and working honestly, becoming a faithful imam and prophet for his family, guiding his family members to love God earnestly , even loving unbelieving souls to Jesus Christ.

Truly the attitude of the heart that "Fear of God" is the main capital for a man to be blessed, even a young woman if you want to choose her spouse, choose a man who is afraid of God because this is the capital for domestic life blessed. Smartness, beauty, skills, career is important, but the most important and important is the attitude of the heart that "FEAR OF GOD". Amen. Jesus bless you.
Psalm 112: 1-3: Hallelujah! Blessed is the one who fears the Lord, who loves all his commandments. His grandchildren will be mighty on earth. The generation of the righteous will be blessed. Treasure and wealth are in his house, his virtues remain forever.

Psalm 115: 12-13 "The LORD has remembered us; He will bless, bless the people of Israel, bless the Aaron, bless those who fear the LORD, both small and great. "

Psalm 25: 12-14 "Who is the one who fears the Lord? The Lord showed him the way he should choose. The man himself will settle in happiness and his offspring will inherit the earth. Yahweh hath great companionship with him that feareth him, and his covenant is revealed unto them. "

Proverbs 8:13 "The fear of the Lord is to hate evil; I hate arrogance, arrogance, evil behavior, and mouth of wiles.

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