Understanding 9/11

Original article: Understanding 9/11

As we are leading up to yet another 9/11 anniversary where most people still don’t understand what really happened that day i suspect there will be a tidal wave of disinformation being prepared and about to be pumped out and spread throughout the alternative media that is designed to lead you away from the actual evidence, so in preparation for the possible tidal wave of BS that could be coming here is some information that may help you guard against the deceit and better understand what really happened that day.

The first thing you should do is read these three books:

Where Did the Towers Go?

9-11 – Finding the Truth (Free PDF)
9-11 – Holding the Truth (Free PDF)

Once you have read those i suggest checking out all of these:

Evidence of Breakthrough Energy Technology on 9/11 – Dr Judy Wood

A Face to Face Interview with Dr Judy Wood – 24 Aug 2017

Where Did the Towers Go? Implications of the Forensic Study and Its Cover Up

IRREFUTABLE – 9/11 and Weaponised Directed Free Energy Technology

9/11 Alchemy – Facing Reality

9/11 Alchemy – Free Energy & Free Thinking

9/11 Alchemy: A Big Idea | 20 Years Later

Mark Passio discusses Tesla’s technology & 9/11

9/11 Weather Modification – Andrew Johnson

Chris of WolfClanMedia discusses his documentary 9/11 Alchemy

9/11 – Where Did the Towers Go? (2nd edition)

9/11 Deprogramming – Part 1 (The scientific method & cover up)

9/11 Deprogramming – Part 2 (Critical Thinking)

9/11 Deprogramming Part 3 – Thermite, Building 6 & Banker’s Trust building

9/11 Deprogramming Part 4 (Perception Management)

An interesting article regarding Applied Research Associates, Inc. (ARA) and a certain weapon, which has since been removed from its website, the “Prototype Disruptor.”: Defense Contractor Attempts To Conceal Advanced Weaponry

A radio show where Dr.Wood discusses the University of Alaska/Fairbanks study of the destruction of Building 7, some in the alt media claim that it concludes the building was brought down by controlled demolition, this is not true, listen: STOP THE PRESSES! with Mark Anderson 9.20.19

An article posted on Check The Evidence showing how Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth treat people for simply mentioning the name Dr Judy Wood: AE911 Truth Petition Signer – Deleted for Posting About DEW Research and Dr Judy Wood

Video of Dr Abraham Hafiz Rodriguez confronting Richard Gage

Video discussing the censorship of Dr Wood by Wikipedia

There is more than enough evidence in those books, videos, articles & radio show to prove what really happened on 9/11 to anybody that cares to look, which begs the question, why do so many in the alt media push disinformation re 9/11? Are they just ignorant of the information, have they been manipulated in some way themselves or are they not as genuine as they claim?

When people say things like “it does not matter what was used to destroy the towers it only matters that we all agree that we are being lied to“, that argument is idiotic, here is a clip from an interesting discussion with Richard D Hall & Andrew Johnson that explains why it does matter

Here is an article with videos containing more information on the people who lie about 9/11: 9/11 – “Liars for Truth” – What Happened on 9/11 and how it was Covered Up

Richard D Hall is joined by Mark Conlon and Andrew Johnson who dispel some of the dis-information and hence get closer to the truth on the 9/11 plane issue: 9/11 Planes, Layers of Deception

9/11 Planes & Newton’s Third Law: An Interview with Dr. Morgan Reynolds (2014) – Field Interference Ep. 7 on GMN

9/11, The Great Attack on Human Consciousness, & The COVID Psy-op: A Conversation with Andrew Johnson | FI003

9/11, Psy-Ops & Secrecy – Ryan G. Banister on Spingola & Friends (July 30, 2015)

Infinite Energy – But Not For the Masses

Richard Dolan Interview with Andrew Johnson – Part 1

Richard Dolan Interview with Andrew Johnson – Part 2

Article by Math Easy Solutions (MES): Andrew Johnson’s 9/11 Books: 2011 Finding the Truth and 2017 Holding the Truth

Coherent Matter, Matter Synthesis & LENR: An Interview with Bob Greenyer of the MFMP

Articles posted on Jermwarfare: Forget what you think you know about 9/11, 9/11 weapons technology hidden from the public, The science of 9/11 is not settled & The silencing of the most complete forensic study on what happened to the Twin Towers

I will leave you with some websites that you should look at if you want facts and evidence re 9/11 (also other topics):

Dr Judy Wood


Check The Evidence

Wolf Clan Media (Odysee)

9/11 – Phantom Warfare

Mark Conlon Blogspot

Math Easy Solutions PEAKD

9/11 Revision (Odysee)

Field Interference Odysee

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