Encryption, upgrades, and VO.3 release

There were so many of them and the noise was unbearable. Gunshots came from almost all directions and left marks in the walls. How lovely, he was out of bullets. His young protege ran and hid behind the kitchen counter.

"For f@cks sake, shoot Marty! Shoot! I'm all out!" How the hell did they get here so fast? He purchased better weapons at the same time they did and he knew they did not pay for it as much as he did. It made no sense.

"Do you want me to get you more bullets boss?" Marty was still safely hiding in the kitchen. Talk and no action, so predictable and so annoying.

"No Marty, I want you to get me a cup of tea. Yes Marty, bullets!" Where was that bazooka guy he hired yesterday? Probably screwing the waitress in the basement. Hopefully, he heard what was going on and will be here soon...


It is time for another announcement of some upgrades we are planning for you. You can expect them to take place in the next couple of days. Lord Architect is working on them as we speak and should have them ready by next week. There are three things that will be improved; purchasing upgrades, transactions, and the big 0.3 release of the game that will bring much happiness to everyone. All of them will serve as another great addition to the game quality and as stepping stones for much more that is to come.


Up until now (and for a few more days), players who would purchase instant upgrades with steem were missing a crucial benefit. No matter how you would upgrade a certain building, the level of it would rise and you would have to wait a certain period of time before doing it again. For example, you have a building at level 3. When you upgrade it with resources, it will go instantly to level 4. When you upgrade it instantly with steem, it also goes to level 4. The word "instant" is redundant and that kind of system is not fair to players who are investing steem and purchasing upgrades so it is natural that we are going to improve it.

Instant will mean instant only for instant upgrade

The improvement will bring a huge benefit to players who are purchasing instant upgrades with steem. Their upgrade will continue to be instant. Clicking on the "instant upgrade" will raise the level of your building instantly. For players who will buy an upgrade with resources, that will not happen anymore. They will have to wait a certain level of time and then the level will change. It is not that different from before, time periods of waiting will not change, the order will. Before, the system was made so it goes upgrade first, waiting second and now it will be waiting first and upgrade second.

We are aware that this will not be well received by everyone but we do want you to have something in mind. Players who are purchasing upgrades with steem are investing in the game and making your daily payments possible just as they are paying for the improvement of the game. It is not only fair but quite logical that those who invest more, get more. We want our game to be accessible and enjoyable to all players but we do have a certain responsibility to those who are making the game possible.


People can now get the information about your attacks easily. All they need to do is look at the blockchain and see what has happened. It is pretty clear. It will not be so clear anymore, not clear at all. Let's look at an example. Now, you can see almost everything that goes on:


In this next image, you can see that the information that was once available, will now be encrypted. Other players will know that you did something but what that something is will be a mystery. They will not know who you attacked or how many troops you have sent.


This will also create a level of certainty that transactions came from our client.


And here comes our biggest announcement... Are you tired of pushing that F5 button all the time? Soon, you will know it only as the thing from DW history. We are proud to announce that we are working on the 0.3 release of the game where there will be no need to refresh the game because it will refresh itself after a certain action. Everything will go smoother. The game will be faster and there will be no pending time after the battle, just a small preparation time. The playability of the game will increase and we are sure that 0.3 will give you more reasons to enjoy your time in the DrugWars world.


If any issues arise during the deployment of the new release, we will be there to fix them for you so be sure to let us know in our helpdesk channel if there is something we can help you with.


Marty threw him some bullets across the floor but they stopped rolling just a couple of feet away from him. Perfect, Marty was a complete imbecile.

"Would it kill you to put some muscle into it, Marty?" why did he keep him around anyway?

"I think they came because they know who you are boss. Could we somehow mask your real identity?"

"That is not a bad idea, Marty. Not bad at all." That is why he kept him around. Sometimes, Marty had good ideas...

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