Announcing new share options for your fights, gang bosses kicking players and some help with the airdrop

Busy, busy, busy little bees we are. How does that old saying go? No rest for the weary? When you check that idiom out, you will find out how its meaning is that a person must continue to toil or work regardless of how exhausted he or she is and that is exactly what we have been doing. Why? Because we can. Because we want to. Because that is our mission.


Since some of you have been experiencing issues with the airdrop, we will address that and show you how those issues can be resolved, so you all get your tokens. Remember, we have started the airdrop of our tokens and are giving away free FUTURE TOKENS as our gift to you. More info about that is in our previous post FUTURE token airdrop and official blackpaper, do not miss your free gifts!



Up until now, (and for the next day or two) you had an option to share your fights on steem. Aside from directly posting on STEEM, we are now giving you more options to choose from. Before, you could only share on STEEM but now there are EIGHT PLACES NOW

Share on forum
and build your community

As we have mentioned earlier, our forum is already live and a separate post with some important details about it is in the making. We have also told you, but will happily repeat again, that the forum is another opportunity for you to earn Steem. With choosing to share on the forum, you will be able to add anything, as a text, before sharing it and create more quality in your content. Remember what we have said about quality content? It may get upvoted depending on the relevance it holds to other players and the quality of the post. Others will share too and the information will be easy to find while the sense of community will grow stronger and stronger. The 10% benefactor rewards from it will go to the following:

- 1% for tokenbb
- 6% that will go to the game
- 3% for paying the developer and the associates

For example, let's say that you post high-quality content on the forum and get upvotes from us and other players. The value your post has is $5. 25% of that goes to the curators which are $1.25. You are left with $3.75. The fees we take are calculated from the initial amount of $5 and since 10% of that is 0.5, you no longer have $3.75 but $3.25. Those $0.5 fees will go to tokenbb ($0.05), the game ($0.30), and the developers ($0.15).

from our previous post

If you, however, want to earn yourself some fame, promotion etc.Sharing on social media will be a great option since you will be able to share your fights on Facebook and Twitter too. To sum things up, BEFORE you could share only on steem, NOW you will be able to share on the Official Drugwars forum, Steem, Facebook, Twitter, Telegram, reddit, vk, and wechat. The beneficiary rewards when sharing on steem will also be 10% just like as if you would have shared on the forum, rewards will not be 35% anymore.



Gang bosses will now have much more power. You never know how people will act, whether they're a good fit or not. Even though they might seem amazing in the start, their nature sooner or later comes out. It is normal that some will disappoint us. Some people's lives will happen and take then in a different direction. This is why the option to kick a player out of the gang will be possible. Bosses remain in charge of their gang, and who is in it.




In our last post FUTURE token airdrop and official blackpaper, do not miss your free gifts! we told you how we have launched the airdrop of our token and how you can get yourself some free FUTURE TOKENS as a gift from us. We are happy to see that so many of you have already claimed your tokens. Some, however, have been experiencing some issues and we would like to offer some assistance.

No problems, only obstacles...

We know that obstacles are annoying, especially when there is something free and amazing waiting for you on the other side. You get excited and then something stands in your way. Frustrating right? What gave us much joy is seeing some of our players creating helpful tutorials and helping each other out on discord. Now that is what we call a strong community, when one person helps another with nothing to gain for himself and helping only because helping is the right thing to do. That is what creating a better future means, spreading happiness and not animosity. Thanks to them and some assistance from our staff, many issues have been resolved. If you haven't been able to claim your free tokens yet and are still in some trouble, we recommend you give these 3 posts by @wahab9107 a read :

How to Register Steemit Account on Obyte Wallet
How To Claim And Exchange Future with your Obyte Wallet
[Tutorial] For those who cant Recieve Future Tokens

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