Steem, Drugwars and Future Tokens

So, I've started playing Drugwars about a couple of weeks back and even encouraged @st3llar and @immarojas play (and use some steem too, sorry!)

For sure, those playing the game already know this update.

Sharing these thoughts. I know, I know, who cares Dreamy? Hahaha!

Yes the game was introduced as having a steem-reward structure, but no one forced me to use my steem.
I may have been misled (or had I misled myself with the assumption that the token reward will be kept as steem?) but end of day I made the decision to use my steem (and time) in the game. I take accountability for my decision-making.

The change itself may be disappointing, but the execution actually may just be where the most room for improvement is at.

The process, the timings, the communication really can instigate negative feedback from supporters who are in it for the STEEM REWARD.

It is possible that the team is truly under the impression that people are in it for the game and not the reward, but IF SOME DID SEE IT AS AN INVESTMENT, TAKE SOME ACCOUNTABILITY as the game is marketed as "MONEY BEING REAL" with the STEEM POOL REWARD on the upper right of the game screen boldly showing how much is STEEM is up for grabs.

To show good faith in this transition, these could have been done:

(1) Putting up a notice on the site say, two weeks prior today, something like- while steem is used to upgrade/buy stuff in the game, there will be a change in the reward system so as the new players (or even old ones) would not have felt somehow deceived.
(2) Allowing enough time from announcement to change implementation,
(3) Providing the option of STEEM refund for transactions say 1-2 weeks old since the first one was missed, or

These may be hard to do since the team will be using the remaining funds for Futures Token though. (Or this may be the reason why things were done the way they are?)

It is evident that a decision has been made and this change is happening.

I suggest the team at least focus on delivering a solution to this one major point- HOW TO EXCHANGE FUTURES TOKENS TO STEEM the soonest able, and release a more substantial communication around it. Saying "more info will come later" isn't helping. The possibility that the change would not be welcomed by everyone should have been anticipated and critical information made available when a public announcement was done.

For now nothing else to do but to wait and see how Futures Token develops (as I am forced to be in this position, again roll-over effect of MY choice to spend STEEM in the game).

Or if I'm super unhappy with the team and what has been decided, I can just forget about the game altogether (no one would mind really, the world will still go on lol).

That's all, ktnxbye!


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